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Introducing the ISA2 test bed Interoperability Test Bed

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1 Introducing the ISA2 test bed Interoperability Test Bed
ISA2 Action Project Officer: Susanne Wigard EUROPEAN COMMISSION Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT)

2 What is an interoperability test bed?
Software and hardware comprising a complete platform Purpose is to make testing easier (for systems and testers) An interoperability test bed puts the focus on Interoperability testing (system A can talk to system B) Conformance testing (content conforms to specifications) ISA2 Action aims to establish a standards-driven test bed service and help the interoperability testing community

3 What can it be used for? Test conformance to standards and specifications Simulate a web service for clients to test against Validate content sent through various means Test a complete message exchange protocol Functional or regression testing Performance testing Penetration testing Cases with sensitive test data Do not use it for

4 Why ISA2’s test bed service?
Benefits Offered services Standards-based1 Customisable to fit user needs Use as a service or setup locally Growing list of users (CEF, CEN, eSENS, BRIS, IRI, LRI, e-Evidence, ESPD, TED, EIRA, …) Support test case authoring Develop test components Hosting (services, test instances) Test bed operation Help desk services User and developer support 1 Based on the software and specifications of the CEN Workshop Agreement: Global eBusiness Interoperability Test Bed (GITB)

5 How does it work? Test bed manages test cases and users, and orchestrates domain-specific components Domain-specific logic is in separate components that are used via web services

6 Demos

7 Scenario 2 - Public service metadata
Scenario 1 - UBL invoice UBL 2.11 defines XML syntaxes for business documents Test: user uploads an UBL invoice for validation Scenario 2 - Public service metadata Aggregation of Member State public service data in CPSV-AP2 Test: EU portal harvests and aggregates data from EE and FI 1 Universal Business Language: 2 CPSV-AP

8 Find out more Try it yourself ISA2 test bed on Joinup
Online documentation materials User guide, developer guides (tests, services), tutorials Try it yourself Log onto as password “test”

9 ? Questions?

10 ISA² programme Stay in touch
You click, we link. Stay in touch @EU_isa2 Run by the Interoperability Unit at DIGIT (European Commission) with 131€M budget, the ISA2 programme provides public administrations, businesses and citizens with specifications and standards, software and services to reduce administrative burdens.

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