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First Hour of Care Documentation

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Presentation on theme: "First Hour of Care Documentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Hour of Care Documentation
Elizabeth Langham Lead Nurse Luton and Dunstable NICU

2 Aim To present new documentation as part of the care pathway
To discuss the differences between current and new paperwork To answer questions regarding completion of new documentation

3 First Hour of Care Ensure that the care in the first hour is streamlined and applied to all admissions from delivery suite Standardise what is important Document accurately to allow accurate audit of practice

4 We had to start somewhere!
Meeting to decide projects First Hour Care group First attempt of new documentation Initial draft Final first document Comment and discussion Review in 6 months and make changes This is not the end but the beginning of the development of this documentation, it will change and grow over the coming months with support from the FHC group and input from the 17 units.

5 Pre- delivery and stabilization
Baby Demographics Check resuscitaire Prepare admission space Antenatal steroids MgS04 Counsel parents Use resuscitaire check list Consider contacting ANTS Delivery room Temperature Labels Secure ETT where applicable PEEP Delayed cord clamping

6 Baseline Observations
Antibiotics/ Vitamin K Respiratory support Baseline observations Fluid management Thermo- regulation NNAP DATA IS COLLECTED ON UPDATE FOR PARENTS ANTIBIOTICS IN THE FIRST HOUR FLUID MANAGEMENT Parents updated Screening Admitted by

7 Check list Check list for two doctors
NB this may be one doctor or ANNP and one doctor Blood spot screening Antibiotics 60 minutes – hands off let the baby rest

8 Things to consider Consent for blood transfusion
Photograph for parents Discuss expressing milk and document on nutrition care pathway Commence TPN where appropriate Skin integrity Complete Badger net Debrief staff Document team present at delivery and admission

9 Documentation go live date
1st July 2015 Audit from 1st August 2015

10 Thank you Just a small thank you to the First Hour of Care group for their input to make this document as good as it can be as a starting point

11 Questions Remember All babies are precious and deserve the best
If we can do the best for them in the first hour then this will improve their long term outcome

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