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CSC/FAR 020, Computer Graphics, October 26-31, 2011

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1 CSC/FAR 020, Computer Graphics, October 26-31, 2011
Dr. Dale E. Parson Outline for week 8, Type tools

2 Type Tools Horizontal and Vertical Type
Download from Parsons/Outbox. Open ScottsRunKayak.jpg in Photoshop. Adding horizontal or vertical type creates a new layer. Click a point on the Background for Point Type. Click and drag for Paragraph type. Add some of each, set against Background Layer. Set color in Type Options palette. Font, Point Size, etc. similar to word processing.

3 Type is Vector Graphics
Image pixel-based graphics so far constitute raster graphics, a.k.a. bitmapped graphics. Raster graphics are defined in terms of a 2D matrix of pixels displayed on a raster. Vector graphics are description of objects to draw using lines, stokes, etc. A vector can be rendered at any resolution. Only when rendered does it appear as pixels.

4 Rendering Vector Graphics
Font, Point Size, Text Style, Anti-Aliasing Parameters describe the vectors and vector rendering of type. Zoom in on selected text and try anti-aliasing parameters None - Smooth, also zoom out. The rendering process computes pixels. Older generation vector graphics displays actually displayed vectors via electron beams.

5 Re-Editing Text Select the text while in the Type Tool.
Paragraphs can be resized and rotated. Control-clicking the Layer allows conversion between Point and Paragraph Type. Text can be pasted into the Type Tool from another application. Text can be imported from Adobe Illustrator. We will start working with Illustrator soon.

6 Transforming Text Type tools allows parameter based changes.
Move Tool with Show Transform controls checked allows you to transform text area. Bring up Window -> Character palette. Slide or adjust kerning for between-character spacing. Slide or adjust tracking for multi-character spacing.

7 Character Formatting Character Palette applied to a paragraph allows leading (inter-line spacing) adjustment and horizontal scaling adjustment. Other options at bottom of Character Palette allow additional formatting of character appearance. Baseline shifts bottom of text. Type Option Palette supports changing orientation, alignment, text warping.

8 Paragraph Palette Delete Type layers then create a new Paragraph Type layer. Window -> Paragraph Palette. Alignment based on whole words, hyphenated syllables or entire line of text. Give margins and indents in points, inches or centimeters. They convert to points.

9 Layer Effects for Type Open a clean copy of ScottsRunKayak.
Place a large-font, fat, neutral color text saying “Type” over a dark area. On layers palette click the fx (Effects) icon. Add Bevel and Emboss initially, experiment visually with their effects on text. Add other effects via checkboxes, then adjust their parameters.

10 Layers Styles Get a Type layer effect that you like.
Window -> Styles. Save the Style that you just created. Try other Styles from the library. Pattern Overlay is good for text.

11 Rasterizing Text To apply bitmap (raster) pixel transformations to a Type layer you must Rasterize it. At that point you can no longer manipulate it as editable type. It has become an image. Control-click and Rasterize the layer. Get type to the image that you want to combine before rasterizing it (if at all). Try out Filter gallery -> Sketch Filters on text.

12 Screening back type Close All, Open ParsonOffice.jpg.
Add a layer of big, black, bold text type. Apple-Click the T icon in the Layers Palette to select the text’s pixels. Shut off the text layer’s eyeball. Create a Levels Adjustment Layer. Trash the text layer. Adjust Levels to screen the text back in.

13 Reusing type-derived layer mask
Once you have the layer mask, you can duplicate the layer. You can unlink the layer mask from the duplicate layer. You can add another adjustment layer. You can move a layer mask copy into it. You can copy-move a layer mask to a Smart Filter layer as well.

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