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Presentation on theme: "ST BERNARD’S HIGH SCHOOL"— Presentation transcript:

Information Evening for Parents

2 Love one another as I have loved you
Opening Prayer Oh Lord, giver of life and source of our freedom, Help us always to use your gifts wisely and teach us to share them generously. May we bear witness to the love of Christ in our lives. We pray this with grateful hearts in Jesus’ name. Amen. Love one another as I have loved you

3 Love one another as I have loved you
Introduction GCSE grading system (a reminder) & target grades – Mrs O’Brien Examination Results – Mr Sharpe Priorities for the coming academic year – Mr Sharpe Pastoral support – Mrs Barnes The Jack Petchey Award – Ms Connelly Parent Pay – Mr Sharpe School Gateway app – Mrs Barnes Love one another as I have loved you

4 The Current Grading System
GCSEs are ranked from grades 9-1 with a grade 9 being the highest and grade 1 the lowest All curriculum subjects were awarded number grades in In combined science, students gain 2 GCSE grades e.g or 6-5. A ‘standard pass’ grade for students is a 4 and a ‘strong pass’ is a 5. The new GCSEs are considerably different to the old GCSEs so we can only broadly compare grades in this way. Love one another as I have loved you

5 Target Grades and Reports
Students will be given target grades later on this term. They will put these in their planner These grades are based on the information we receive on your daughter from Key Stage 2 and the progress students make historically The grades we set are highly aspirational and are set to stretch and challenge We report on progress using the 9-1 grading system except in RE. The diocese requires that we use a level based system. Please refer to the guide on the reports when you receive them. Love one another as I have loved you

6 Love one another as I have loved you
GCSE Achievement 95.8% of pupils reached or exceeded a 4 (standard pass) in English, and 85.2% in Maths. English is 21% above the national 2018 figure and Maths 15% above. 61% of pupils reached or exceeded a 5 (strong pass) in Maths and 87% in English - English is 27% above the national 2018 figure and Maths 12% above. 28.8% of grades were 7-9 – almost 10% above the national average. Love one another as I have loved you

7 Love one another as I have loved you
GCSE Headlines Very strong performances in almost every subject The progress made by our student could be the best ever, and put St Bernard’s in the top 5% of schools nationally Love one another as I have loved you

8 Love one another as I have loved you
Post 16 Results 99% pass rate Average A Level Point Score per entry: pts 56% of grades were A*-B grades 84% of grades were A*-C grades Love one another as I have loved you

9 Love one another as I have loved you
Summer Developments Lots of hard work by support staff – Cleaners, IT, premises and science technicians Summer school for local Yr6 children Expansion Update: Move to new rooms will be staggered New building opening – half term Love one another as I have loved you

10 Love one another as I have loved you
The Year Ahead New specifications are proving to be much harder. Students must be motivated, rigorous and very dedicated to their academic work. Attendance is key for all students. Low attendance undoubtedly has an impact on examination results. Love one another as I have loved you

11 Love one another as I have loved you
I have asked the staff… To expect even more from our students – in terms of work ethic and concentration To monitor progress very closely To go into each other’s lessons, to see how hard children work in different lessons Love one another as I have loved you

12 Love one another as I have loved you
Expectations Attendance – 95% Punctuality – in school by 8.45am; detention same day; no early finish at the end of term unless punctuality is good Uniform checks Considerate movement around the school Love one another as I have loved you

13 Love one another as I have loved you
“Live Your Best Life” Because of Stephen… our society is a fairer place I feel empowered to reach my potential I have the motivation to succeed I’m inspired to live my best life I can achieve my goals Love one another as I have loved you

14 Love one another as I have loved you
Other Issues Parking at the end of the school day Parent governor elections Play a part in your child’s education in school, as well as at home Love one another as I have loved you

15 Love one another as I have loved you
The Pastoral Team Senior Head of Year – Miss Clancy Director of Sixth Form – Mrs Berridge Head of Year 7- Miss Clancy Head of Year 8 – Mrs Alexander Head of Year 9 – Miss Carter Head of Year 10 – Mrs Jackson Head of Year 11 –Ms Connelly Love one another as I have loved you

16 Love one another as I have loved you
The Pastoral Team Learning Mentors Mrs Henderson Mrs Joyce Mrs Brooks Miss Palmer Careers Advisor Mrs Davies School Counsellor Nikki Richardson Love one another as I have loved you

17 Love one another as I have loved you
The Pastoral Team Safeguarding Lead – Mrs Barnes Deputy Safeguarding Lead – Mrs Whittle (Head of Inclusion) Love one another as I have loved you

18 Your Daughter’s Planner
Familiarisation Uniform Rules and procedures Behaviour and expectations Homework policy Internet and mobile devices Love one another as I have loved you

19 Love one another as I have loved you
Secondhand Uniform If you have uniform that is in a good state but is just too small or not now being used, we would be most grateful if you could bring into the school reception. We would like to be able to hold a small stock of good quality items that can be given to families who are unable to purchase new items when their daughters need them. If you would like items of uniform for your daughter, please contact and let us know your daughter’s name, what you need, and what size. Love one another as I have loved you

20 Wellbeing Every month Inspirational quote and picture Our students
Goals each month

Internet Safety Key safeguarding issues Letter to all parents PSHE SESSIONS RUN BY THE L.A

22 Internet Information Evening - run by a member of the Street Engagement Team
Parents evenings – desk allocated for guidance on internet safety FOR PARENTS

23 Being the best you can be
Jack Petchey Scheme Love one another as I have loved you Being the best you can be

24 Love one another as I have loved you
How it works Scheme has been running at the school for 10 years Members of the school community can vote for a student who has ‘made a difference’ or a significant contribution to school life. Could be someone who has worked exceptionally hard, produced work to a very high standard or overcome a personal challenge It is NOT about being ‘the’ best BUT being the best ‘you’ can be Love one another as I have loved you

25 Love one another as I have loved you
Awards Voting takes place monthly Head Student Team and House Captains decide on the winner Winners are celebrated in school assembly with their peers Winners decide on how a grant of money should be spent to the benefit of students Love one another as I have loved you

26 Love one another as I have loved you
Winners Previous winners have been successful for a wide-range of reasons, including: Leading an extra-curricular club Making an important contribution to the Liturgical life of the school Organising an event benefitting the wider school community Independence & resilience in learning Supporting younger students Excellent role model whilst enduring a difficult personal situation Competitor in the Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge Using skills learned in a particular subject to enhance the progress of others Love one another as I have loved you

27 How the Jack Petchey Scheme at St. Bernard’s links to Catholic ethos
Working hard and using our God-given talents reflect God’s glory Reflects that we have a duty to maximise our potential Mirrors the fact that we are made in God’s image and use what He has given us for the benefit of others In contributing to the community we show we ‘love one another as I have loved you’ Love one another as I have loved you

28 Greater Anglia Tickets
Each term and prior to the start of the academic year, Greater Anglia offer discounted rail tickets for students attending your organisation using Greater Anglia services. This offers a generously discounted rail ticket for the duration of the term or for a full and short academic year. The discounted offer will continue for this coming year and that tickets are now available for students, parents or guardians to purchase. Love one another as I have loved you

29 Love one another as I have loved you
Arriva Bus Tickets Annual Child Saver Tickets  The Annual Saver Tickets can be paid for by direct debit by the parent/carers, with the cost of an annual ticket spread over 12 monthly instalments. The direct debit can be stopped and recommenced at any time, with parents/carers not tied into a contract. The additional benefit of this ticket is that the student can use it evenings, weekends and during term holidays and can be used on Arriva’s mobile M- Ticket app. Academic Year and Term Specific Tickets  Arriva also offer Academic Year and Term Specific. Please contact the company for further information. Love one another as I have loved you

30 Love one another as I have loved you
School Gateway Love one another as I have loved you


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