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Rechartering Your Scouting Unit
A Workshop For Sam Houston Area Council September 10, 2019 **************** NOTE TO PRESENTER: This is the Recharter Workshop presentation for 2019. NOTE: EACH DISTRICT IS EXPECTED TO UPDATE SLIDES 4 AND 16 WITH DETAILS OF THE DISTRICT’S IN-DISTRICT TURN-IN OPPORTUNITIES. THE BOILERPLATE TO BE UPDATED IS IN RED TYPE.
Agenda Welcome What is “recharter”? Key points for 2019
Unit Recharter Plan Using Internet Rechartering to update your unit roster Wrap-up Here’s what we will cover tonight. The “Key Points” contain information that EVERYONE needs to hear. After that, experienced recharter processors may decide that they don’t need to stay. But be warned, sometimes we don’t always remember all the details of things we do only once a year. An hour of your time NOW may save you lots of trouble later.
Welcome Thank you for being here! Thank you for being here!
Recharter is about as exciting as a root canal. But, like the root canal, it needs to be done and needs to be done as quickly and painlessly as possible. Thank you for taking the time to learn how to deal with this administrative necessity. Our goal is enable you to be as efficient as possible so that you can get back to the fun stuff – delivering Scouting to the youth in your unit!
Write These Down
This site contains links to the other websites we will talk about, documents in your recharter packet, and other helpful information including this presentation Our district’s recharter turn-in events are on December 5 at [specify location] and December 12 at [specify location] If you miss the district event, turn in at council office Monday-Friday 8am-4pm and Saturday Dec. 14 from 8am-noon ***YOUR DISTRICT SHOULD UPDATE THIS SLIDE WITH ITS TURN-IN LOCATIONS AND, IF DIFFERENT, DATES. *** If you don’t need to take any other notes during this presentation, please write these two things down now: The council website contains links to Internet Rechartering and its tutorial, contains most of the documents in your recharter packet, and other helpful information – including this presentation so you need not copy down the slides. It is a starting point for everything about recharter. The other important information is our district’s special turn-in event(s). While recharters are due no later than December 15th, our district will check recharters on the [dates on this slide] and accept those that are completed. This not only will save you a trip to the council office but also give you a few extra days to make any corrections to errors found at the turn-in or by the council registration staff. If you miss the district turn-in events, the council registration staff accepts recharters during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8am until closing). While the office is open until 4:30pm, please arrive by 4:00pm so that you will be done by closing time. The registration staff must leave at 4:30pm or the council incurs the added expense of overtime pay. Please make respectful use of council resources! Registration will accept recharters this year from 8:00am-noon on December 14 only. Please arrive at least 30 minutes before noon so that the registration staff can leave on time. Note that the council has major training events scheduled in the building on this day, so parking could be challenging. Does everyone have this information written down? Let’s go on…
What Is Recharter? Let’s be sure we’re all on the same page for some terms we will use to talk about recharter Let’s look at a few Scouting terms that we will use in this presentation. While individuals experienced with recharter may be familiar with them, it is important that all of us understand them in the same way. So, if you already know this, please bear with us while we explain them for those who don’t.
Recharter is … Annual commitment of a chartered organization to continue owning and operating a specific Scouting unit Annual renewal of individual memberships of a unit’s youth and adult members Annual authorization from BSA for a chartered organization to use a BSA program to serve youth As used in this presentation: UNIT is a Cub Scout Pack, Boy Scout Troop, Varsity Scouting Team, Venturing Crew, or Sea Scout Ship. A CHARTERED ORGANIZATION is a local organization or group of citizens that want to use BSA’s programs to serve youth in this area. The BSA programs are Cub Scouting (Tiger, Cubs, Webelos), Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Venturing, and Sea Scouting. A CHARTER AGREEMENT is executed between BSA and a chartered organization to define the relationship between BSA and the organization. A separate agreement is required for each unit the organization has. The organization OWNS the unit created by the agreement and is responsible for providing it adult leadership and a place to meet. The UNIT LEADER is the top direct contact leader in the unit. This is the Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Coach, Advisor, or Skipper, depending on the program the unit is using. This is also called the “top unit leader”.
Key Points for 2019 Important things everyone – first timer or Baden-Powell’s first cousin – needs to know The Key Points are information that everyone involved in recharter needs to know. There aren’t many changes this year. But, even when the information remains the same, it is important that all of us are reminded about it. After all, we only do this once a year and we may be a “mite hazy” on some of it.
What’s New This Year? Accident Insurance Fee is $3
LDS units cannot recharter Changes to Internet Rechartering Support for position requirements, e.g., the new Unit Participant position Minor changes to approval/payment Saturday recharter turn-in at the Scout office will be available from 8:00AM – noon on December 14th The next slides will provide details
Accident Insurance Fee
Sam Houston Area Council is increasing the Accident Insurance Fee to $3 per primary registration, including Lion and Tiger adult partners. The revised fee will pay about 1/3 of the cost of the council’s accident insurance. The fee will be calculated by Internet Rechartering. The council is increasing the Accident Insurance Fee from $1 to $3. While it is a large percentage increase, the fee has not been increased for so many years that most of us don’t remember the last time it was increased. The increased fee will pay about 1/3 of the cost of the accident insurance policy which for the current year cost about $350,000. Internet Rechartering will calculate this fee and add it to the total on recharter roster.
LDS Units Will Not Recharter
The LDS Church will end its 100+ year agreement with BSA on December 31, 2019. LDS units cannot recharter this year because the Church will no longer sponsor units. The 1913 agreement between the LDS Church and BSA ends at the end of next year at which time the Church will commence a new program to replace Scouting for its boys and young men and will no longer charter BSA units.
Internet Rechartering Changes
BSA has indicated that there will be minor changes to Internet Rechartering around October 1, 2019. We cannot document the changes at this time but have been told to expect the following: Support for new position requirements, e.g., the Unit Participant position Minor changes to online approval / online payment Changes to accident insurance fees as requested by councils Changes will not affect navigation through program This year’s changes have been advertised to be “minor” and not affecting “navigation”, that is, not changing program stages and steps or how a user moves between them. We do not expect to know the specifics because, like you, we cannot log into units until November 1. We have been told to expect the following: Support for new positions and/or changed requirements for positions. The new Unit Participant position is an example. Minor, but unspecified changes to the ability to approve the roster online and to pay the BSA fees and council accident insurance fee online. Changes to council accident insurance fees as requested by councils when surveyed in August. When we have had an opportunity to see the changes, if providing additional information is warranted, we will post it on the recharter web page and/or update this presentation.
Saturday Recharter Turn-in
Because December 15th is a Sunday, the council office will be open to receive recharters on the following Saturday: Saturday December 14 from 8:00AM – noon Please arrive at least 30 minutes before closing time; the office will close promptly at noon on both days.
Reminders Do your homework in October so that you will be ready to use Internet Rechartering when it becomes available on November 1. Complete applications are required for each new youth or adult member listed as new on the printout. Social Security Numbers and Youth Protection Training required on all adult applications. Top Unit Leader must be trained for position. Turn in entire Internet Rechartering printout! Recharters are due by December 15. Turn in Journey to Excellence Award worksheet with recharter. BE ON-TIME AND ERROR-FREE! Internet Rechartering is not available to you until November 1. But there is plenty to be accomplished in October to be sure that you are READY to use Internet Rechartering. Conduct a MEMBERSHIP INVENTORY in October. Check you roster on My.Scouting Membership Manager to be sure that everyone who is participating in your unit is actually a member. Submit membership applications for those not on your roster. Contact each member on the roster to be sure that they plan to continue as a member and that they know BSA’s fees and your unit’s fees for doing so. If you find members that don’t plan to continue, ask them why not – too old, moving, no time, etc. It’s important to share this information with your unit’s committee chair and top unit leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Advisor, Skipper) so that any warranted adjustments to the unit’s program can be considered. (Your unit “Key 3” can provide you with a roster from Training Manager. If they don’t know how, they or you should contact your district’s Commissioner team.) Check to be sure that all adults in registered positions have current Youth Protection Training taken on or after February 1, 2018 when BSA released a new YPT required for all leaders in all programs. The My.Scouting “YPT Aging Report” in Training Manager (see your “Key 3” again) can provide the information you need for the adults. Ask the adults who don’t have current training to take the online course. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COMPLETE INTERNET RECHARTERING IF YOUR ROSTER CONTAINS ADULTS WITHOUT CURRENT YPT. YPT taken before February 1, 2018, is NOT VALID FOR RECHARTER. YPT is also required for youth aged in Venturing crews. These youth should be registered as “Venturing Participants”. Like adults, the YPT requirement is course Y01 completed on or after February 1, The old Venturing YPT course (Y02) is no longer valid regardless of when it was completed. The YPT Aging Report does not provide information about these youth. You will need to verify by asking the youth. Is the person who will be on the recharter as the top unit leader – Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Advisor, Skipper – trained for the position? While Internet Rechartering will not check for this requirement, the council office will check and will issue an error notice. There are still training opportunities available to complete this requirement before December 15 IF YOU START NOW! Internet Rechartering, available to you on November 1, should help avoid most roster problems. But don’t forget these things so that your recharter is On Time and Error Free: Any youth or adult listed in the Internet Rechartering printout must be accompanied by a complete application with original signatures. Be sure to fill in all blanks that apply to the member, including all of the references and questions at the end of the adult application. Don’t forget the attachments for adults. SSN’s are required for adults to conduct the criminal background check. Adults must have completed the Youth Protection Training appropriate for the unit’s Scouting program. The due date for all recharters is December 15. Chasing down recharters that are late wastes a lot of volunteer and employee time. Please set a good example for the youth in your unit and be on time! If Journey to Excellence is not turned in with the recharter, the form must be in the council office before December 31.
Unit Recharter Plan How recharter is accomplished
If you are an old hand at this and your unit always turns in its error-free recharter by December 15, you are free to depart. Now let’s talk about how your unit should approach recharter. Because we know that we have to recharter every year, a little planning goes a long way toward making this process go more smoothly.
What Needs to be Done? (Complete by) Task to be completed
(Oct 1) District Executive visits chartered organization (Oct 1) Unit Committee assigns recharter plan tasks, including overall Unit Recharter Coordinator (Oct 1) Unit obtains recharter packet from district’s Commissioners (Nov 1) Unit Recharter Coordinator attends district recharter workshop (Nov 1) Unit completes membership inventory Contact every member about renewing If not renewing, note the reason (needed for I.R.) Collect National fees from those renewing Obtain applications from members not included on current BSA unit roster (Nov 1) Confirm all adults have current YPT and top unit leader has completed BSA training for position; applications and YPT proof for 18yo+ Venturing youth The next two slide show the main tasks and the suggested timeline. “(Oct 1)” means task should be completed by October 1. Note that we have added YPT and top unit leader training to list of tasks.
What Needs to be Done? 2 (Complete by) Task to be completed
(Nov 27) Update recharter roster using Internet Rechartering (Dec 1) Obtain signatures on updated roster (online approval by EO from Chartered Organization head and unit leader (Dec 15 or earlier) Turn in signed roster printout, applications for all new members, and payment to SHAC At our district’s recharter turn-in events on 12/5 and 12/12 [replace with details] Or at the council office (2225 N Loop W) if you miss the district events M-F 8am-4:30pm Or at the council office from 8:00AM until noon on Saturday December 14 More milestones in the recharter plan
What Needs to be Done? 3 (Complete by) Task to be completed
Council staff reviews the paperwork for errors; issues a “problem recharter notice” if any are found Commissioners or D.E. work with unit to correct errors (Mar 1) Must complete corrections no later than 60 days after charter expiration date or unit drops, regardless of when the error is found or the unit is notified New charter is issued to District Executive for commissioner presentation New membership cards mailed to top unit leader ************ Note to presenter: modify the red text with your district’s details. Encourage units to be “On Time and Error-Free” to save their time, other Scouting volunteers’ time, and council staff time to be better able to serve the youth that we serve!
Who Does It? Process led by unit committee
Lead assigned to a committee member Or Committee Chair Unit leader (CM, SM, etc.) signs certifying youth listed are actually in the unit Chartered Organization Head signs approving adult leaders Help from other unit leaders, parents Unit Commissioner and district’s commissioner team are additional resources
How To Make Recharter Easy
Start early! Do your homework to be sure all members are on your unit roster before you begin the roster update process! Develop a Unit Recharter Plan using the tasks in the Unit Recharter Process Assign responsibility and due dates for the Plan’s tasks Publicize dates pertaining to unit members in the Unit Annual Plan (calendar) Monitor progress to assure that tasks are completed on time Be thorough and accurate Recharter is a simple process if you follow the plan. Be sure to start early! That will give you plenty of time to handle anything unexpected. Use Internet Advancement to check that all your members are registered before you start working on recharter. If you don’t see a member on Internet Advancement, you WILL need a new application for that member. If you turn in all new member applications before you start recharter, you won’t have to turn in any new applications with recharter which will simplify your turn in. If you cannot use Internet Rechartering, have the registered Committee Chair or unit leader request a new recharter roster printout. The one included in your recharter packet is several months old. Take the time to develop a written plan. It will help everyone know who is responsible for what by when. Keep your members in the loop about what is expected of them. Delegating responsibility is great! But be sure to check that all tasks are on schedule.
Using Internet Rechartering To Update Unit Roster
A tool to make life easier Now we will look at the Internet Rechartering tool. Most of this part of the presentation will be looking at screens from Internet Rechartering. The presenter should use the titles and any comments on each slide to simulate an Internet Rechartering session. Commentary in the presenter notes from this point forward will focus on points to stress rather than a complete script. The presenter may wish to allow experienced Internet Rechartering users to leave at their discretion. NOTE : Some screen shots in this section are from prior years’ versions of Internet Rechartering.
Internet Rechartering
Web-based application running on servers at the National Council Used to update the unit roster for recharter Correct wrong / out-of-date information Delete members who have left the unit Add new members not found on current roster Verify required adult leadership in place Work can be completed in multiple sessions Calculates BSA National fee and council accident insurance fee Optionally, chartered organization approval online and credit card payment online Print updated roster for turn-in Sam Houston Area Council requires all units to recharter using Internet Rechartering. This includes Exploring Posts which must use the Exploring version of Internet Rechartering on LFL.MYPARTICIPATION.ORG. Separate recharter materials for Exploring Posts will be provided by the council. What is it? It a web-based tool provided by the National Council and runs on servers it provides that allows a unit to update its recharter roster. You can make corrections to information on file in BSA’s registration system. You can delete members who have left the unit. You can add new members not currently on your roster. The person using the tool on behalf of the unit is called the “recharter processor”. He or she can work from any Internet-connected computer that allows access to and that has a supported web browser installed. The work can be completed in multiple sessions and does not all have to be completed at the same computer – just be sure to log off at the end of each session because your working copy of the BSA registration data can be corrupted if two sessions access the same unit at the same time. Internet Rechartering will verify that the updated roster contains the required minimum adult leadership, adjust fees for members paying registration fees in another unit, and calculate the BSA fees and council accident/sickness insurance fees for the revised roster. Most importantly, when you submit your updates to the system, all of your changes are saved so that the council staff can put the changes into the registration system without retyping them. Chartered organizations that wish to approve the revised roster electronically may do so before the revised document is submitted electronically. Units that wish to do so may pay by credit card. BSA will add a 3% “convenience fee” when a credit card is used. At the conclusion of the online process, you will print out the updated recharter roster for turn-in. If your chartered organization did not sign the updated roster electronically, you must obtain original signatures on the appropriate page of the printout. What Internet Rechartering is not? Internet Rechartering is not a complete online process for recharter. You still must print out the revised roster, get signatures from the Chartered Organization (if it did not sign the roster electronically), and turn in the signed roster along with applications for new members, and payment for the GRAND TOTAL of fees. Internet Rechartering is a not an real-time window into BSA’s registration system. After you complete “Stage 1” you will be working with a COPY of BSA’s registration data. Any changes in the BSA data after that point will NOT show up in Internet Rechartering unless you use the “Update unit roster” button available in Stage 2 – Update Roster. That’s why be encourage you to use Internet Advancement to check that any changes your unit has made recently are reflected in your roster. My.Scouting’s Member Manager (accessible by your unit’s “Key 3”) or Internet Advancement can show you current BSA registration information for your unit.
What You Need To Get Started
Computer with Internet connection Doesn’t have to be the same computer for each session! Be sure to log off each session. Web browser supported by My.Scouting Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 11, Safari Knowledge Attend training. The PowerPoint used is available on the recharter web page. Ask questions of your commissioner team, if needed. Time Can’t access the system until November 1 Access Code from yellow label on instructions The 2017 adoption of the My.Scouting framework for Internet Rechartering has broadened the browsers, operating systems, and devices that can be used. This is a major improvement for users that do not use Microsoft Windows computers. BSA generally recommends the use of the Chrome browser or tablet as the best environment. An access code, supplied on the recharter packet / instructions, serves as your unit’s “userid” for Internet Rechartering.
How To Get Started If you are registered in My.Scouting, access Internet Rechartering under “Legacy Web Tools” in the menu There are several ways to access Internet Rechartering… If you are a registered in My.Scouting, you can log on and find a link under “Legacy Web Tools” in the menu.
Or … Link on in the “Recharter Resources” section
Exploring Posts use the Exploring version on Begin as soon as you can – November 1 You also need to know how to use the system which we will cover shortly. There is an online tutorial which you can take at any time that will give you a feel for navigating the system. There is a link to the tutorial on the council recharter page and on the home page for Internet Rechartering on the national site. You can use the tutorial right now. It looks different than either last year’s version or this year’s version but it can give you an idea of the program flow. However, you will not actually be able to use Internet Rechartering until November 1st. Let’s take a look at the system.
You Are A First Time User Every Year For Every Unit
You see the Internet Rechartering home page every time you access the system. The first time EVERY YEAR that you use Internet Rechartering for EACH UNIT you are a FIRST TIME USER. Every unit gets a new access code every year. So the access code and password your unit used last year will attempt to access last year’s recharter; you will get an error message telling you that your data is no longer available. Clicking “FIRST TIME USER” sends you to pages to set up THIS YEAR’S ACCESS CODE with a password. After your “first time” through the registration process, you will use “RETURNING USER” to log in with the password.
Registration Enter unit type, unit number, and access code
As a “First Time User”, you will use the Access Code, unit type (Pack, Troop, etc.) and unit number to identify yourself. The Access Code will be found on a brightly colored label on the instructions included in your recharter packet. If the label is missing or lost, contact your commissioner or District Executive to get your Access Code.
Registration - 2 Agree to the Confidentiality Statement
The confidentiality statement says that you will use the data in the system only for rechartering your unit. You must agree to abide by the confidentiality statement to complete registration.
Registration - 3 Provide your contact information Create password for access code Click “Register” Finally, you tell the system who you are, how to contact you by phone and , and create the password with which you will log on in future sessions.
Log In After “First Time”
Use this year’s access code and password to log in after the “first time” Once you have logged on the first time and personalized your Access Code, click the “Returning User” and use the Access Code and password to log on.
Internet Recharter Overview
Note that the windows will scroll to show more info! After you complete registration, Internet Rechartering displays a summary of the process that you will be going through. Internet Rechartering has two units of work. “STAGES” are the major phases of the process. Some stages are subdivided into “STEPS”. Some stages have only one step; some have many steps. That “stages” of Internet Rechartering are: Stage 1 – load data into your unit’s Internet Rechartering workspace. Stage 2 – update your roster. This stage has six steps. Stage 3 – the roster is checked for errors. Stage 4 – update fees (add/remove Boys’ Life and deal with members paying BSA fees in another unit); report why any dropped youth members are dropping out. Stage 5 –pay by credit card option, electronic COR signature option, then submit your changes to the council and print your updated roster. To get started, click “BEGIN” at the bottom of the page.
Page Layout - Internet Rechartering
Entry Area Header Navigation Pane Info & Tools Before we go on, let’s talk briefly about the page layout of Internet Rechartering. NOTE TO PRESENTER: THIS IS AN ANIMATED SLIDE. WHEN [CLICK] APPEARS IN THE TEXT, CLICK ONCE TO MAKE THE ANIMATED TEXT APPEAR. Not all elements appear on every page. If scroll bars appear next to an element, there is more information out of view. Move the scroll box to reveal out of view information. If a yellow box with “(redacted)” appears, we are covering up information that could be used to identify a person or council. If a yellow with “$$amount$$ appears, we are covering up a fee calculation that may not be accurate because this presentation is assembled from multiple sources. The amount doesn’t affect the presentation but we didn’t want to lose focus on what is happening. [CLICK] At the top of the page is the header. It shows the council and unit being worked on. At the right hand side are settings and the current user sign-off. At the left side is the navigation pane. It shows your progress through Internet Rechartering and, when present, shows the stages and steps to which you can go by clicking on the name. Names in background text cannot be accessed at this time. In the middle is the entry area. This is where you will edit your roster and spend most of your time. This area may take up the entire page on some pages. [CLICK| The right hand side of the page contains an area containing multiple status displays and tools. “Roster Review” shows the number of members being rechartered and, in some cases, the current total for fees. This area contains the “Review/Print Roster” button which, when displayed, allows you to print a DRAFT roster. “Unit Information” shows information about the unit being worked on. “Update Unit Roster”, when it appears, allows Internet Rechartering to obtain current Youth Protection Training dates for your unit and allows it to get roster updates from Scoutnet (new applications processed, etc.). We urge you to click this button at least once during every Internet Rechartering session.
Stage 1 – Load Roster From current BSA data OR UMS such as Troopmaster , Packmaster, or ScoutSoft There are two options for loading your roster into the Internet Rechartering workspace. Click “Load Council Information” to load the current BSA information at the moment the button is clicked. Click “Upload Recharter File” to match information from a Unit Management System (UMS) against the current BSA information. BSA supports recharter files produced by Troopmaster, Packmaster, and ScoutSoft.
Using UMS Data Data can be uploaded from a UMS, such as Troopmaster, Packmaster, or TroopSoft Uploaded data is matched with current BSA registration data To assure the best match, be very careful to use only the FULL LEGAL NAME and CORRECT BIRTHDATE in your UMS data Failure to match between UMS and BSA of more than 50% is not uncommon the first time you upload UMS data Mismatched data will corrupt BSA’s database, for this reason, we do not encourage upload of UMS data Using the recharter file produced by a UMS can be challenging. For this reason, we don’t encourage using this option unless the unit is very careful in entering the full legal name and birthdate of each member (like the council does when it enters a new member from an application). Your recharter file is uploaded, the matching process with the BSA current data starts. A person in your recharter file “matches” based on all of the name fields and birthdate. The system then presents a list of everyone in your UMS recharter file and asks you to mark everyone that you are adding as a new member. (Don’t worry…if you miss someone who is new you will be able to mark them as “new” later on.) After the new members are removed, each remaining unmatched person in the UMS recharter file is displayed along with a list of everyone that wasn’t matched in the BSA registration data. Select the person in the BSA list that corresponds to the person being shown from the UMS recharter file. If this person should have been marked as “new” earlier, you can mark them as “new” at this time. Once all of the unmatched persons in the UMS recharter file have been matched manually or marked as “new”, the remaining unmatched persons in the BSA list are marked as “deleted”. For all “matched” and “new” persons, the person’s information from the UMS recharter file REPLACES the BSA registration information. GREAT CARE MUST BE TAKEN IF USING THIS OPTION. If you mismatch a member, you will corrupt their information in BSA’s registration system. For this reason, we discourage the use of this option unless a unit is prepared to be meticulous in its handling of its UMS data.
You Now Have A “Working Copy” Of Your Unit Data
Internet Rechartering keeps a “working copy” of your unit’s registration data That means: Changes you make will not be visible to anyone else until recharter is processed Changes made by BSA after this point in time will not appear in your Internet Rechartering work area unless you click the “Update Unit Roster” button For this reason, we strongly suggest you review current roster with My.Scouting Member Manager before starting Stage 1 After you complete Stage 1, you are working with a copy of BSA registration data. Your changes will not be available in BSA registration data until you complete Internet Rechartering and your recharter is processed by council registration. Any change made to BSA’s registration data (updates, new members, etc.) will NOT appear in your Internet Rechartering workspace until you click on “Update Roster”. At that time, your workspace will be updated with new members and new YPT information for all adults in Scoutnet at that time. This is a significant enhancement to the system that was released in early October 2010. After clicking “Update Unit Roster”, if you previously added youths or adults that have now been added by council registration, you will have duplicate entries in your workspace. You must delete the extra entries that YOU ADDED. You can identify them easily because they will not have membership numbers (“Person ID”) in the tables in Stage 2 – Step 2 and Stage 2 – Step 5. Despite the new “Update Unit Roster” button, we still encourage you to use Internet Advancement’s print roster feature to check for missing members before you log in as a “first time user” this year. Submit applications for missing users and wait for them to be processed (that is, wait for them to appear in Internet Advancement) before you begin Internet Rechartering.
Stage 2 – Update Roster There are 6 steps in this stage
Stage 2 is where most of the work is done and where you will spend most of your time. When you enter Stage 2, Internet Rechartering shows you the six steps in the stage which we will cover in the following slides. Update the chartered organization Select members for renewal Promote members Add members Update member data Update adult positions You will see this screen only when you enter stage 2 from stage 1. So, normally you see it only once.
Update Chartered Organization
Update Chartered Organization contact info Cannot change Chartered Organization name (contact your D.E. if this is needed) The first “step” in Stage 2 is to update information about the Chartered Organization. You can update address and telephone information. However, you CANNOT change the chartered organization name. If any change is needed for the chartered organization name, contact your District Executive for assistance. You can’t do that from Internet Rechartering. (We’ll talk more later about a reason why you might want to make a change.)
Select Members For Renewal
Uncheck the box to remove a member Check the box again to restore the member The next “step” allows you to delete current adult and youth members that you do not want to recharter. Just uncheck the checkbox to drop that member. The row will turn red indicating the member is dropped. If you make a mistake and uncheck the box for some who should NOT be dropped, you can return to this point later and recheck the checkbox at any time up until you submit your updated roster at the end of Internet Rechartering. The “Update unit roster” button that allows you to get new members and updated YPT information from Scoutnet if you believe new members have added or members have completed YPT training. We urge you to click this button at least once during every Internet Rechartering session. Click the “Next” button to move to the next step.
Members Selected For Renewal
A list of the members being rechartered and a list of members not being renewed is then displayed If it is correct, click “Next Step” to move on. Otherwise, click “Previous” to go back.
Promote Members Add new members to your unit by copying registration data from other units Units chartered by the same chartered organization will be listed (note: C.O. name must match exactly including any punctuation and spacing) Other units may be accessed by using their access codes and unit number A completed application is still required because the member is joining a new unit! Internet Rechartering contains a feature that allows you to copy the registration data for a new member in your unit from another unit in which the person is currently registered. This feature is called “Promote Members” because the original idea was to “promote” Cub Scouts and their parents from a Pack into a Troop. When using this feature, you will see a list of all units in the same chartered organization. To select a unit in the same chartered organization requires only that you click on the unit to set a “radio button”. However, Internet Rechartering can only match units in the same chartered organization if the NAME MATCHES EXACTLY – abbreviations, punctuation, spacing, everything. If the chartered organization name does not match exactly, you won’t see it listed. (That’s why we said earlier that you might want to update chartered organization names by contacting your District Executive!) If you need to promote from a unit that is not listed, you can still access the unit using the other unit’s Access Code, unit type and unit number. Get the access code from the other unit, your Commissioner, or your District Executive. NOTE THAT A “PROMOTED” MEMBER IS STILL A NEW MEMBER OF YOUR UNIT. You must provide a completed application. “Promote Members” just saves you the effort of entering the new member’s information in the next step.
Promote Members 2 Click “Next Step” to skip “Promote Members”
The page appears to explain how “Promote Members” works. Click “Promote Members” to use it. Click “Next Step” to skip it or after you have done all your promotions.
Promote Members 3 Your unit will always be listed along with others chartered to the same organization To access units not listed, use that unit’s access code, unit type, and unit number If we clicked “Promote”, we end up here. Your unit will always appear in the list. (It may the only thing listed.) Other units will appear if their chartered organization name exactly matches yours. Click on the “radio button” to select a unit and the selected unit will appear. To access units not listed, ask your commissioner team or district executive for the other unit’s access code and enter it at the box at the bottom of the page along with that unit’s type (pack, troop, etc.) and unit number. Click “Continue” to look at the unit’s members.
Promote Members 4 Check box name to a name to copy that member to your unit Check the checkbox to copy a member’s registration data into your unit. The line turns red when you select it. Click NEXT when through.
Add New Members Click “New Adult” button to add a new adult
The next step is “Add New Members”. Adults are added first to save typing when adding the parent or guardian of any new youth. Click the solid blue button to add new adults.
Add New Adult Multiple screens to add an adult
Same screens used to add or update adult There are multiple screens to add an adult member. There were three in the old version of Internet Rechartering but we received only screenshots of two. But the idea is the same even if the layout is different. Click on the “drop down list” arrow to select the primary position this adult holds. Starting 2017, the newly announced New Member Coordinator position replaces the retired Parent Coordinator position. Notice that the first screen can contain a lot of positions. This is because the Executive Officer can serve in that position along with Chartered Organization Rep, either Committee Chair or Committee Member, Parent Coordinator, and be a Tiger Cub Adult Partner. The Chartered Organization Rep can hold the last three of those positions. That’s too much for one person to do but BSA rules allow it. No adult leaders other than the above two (Executive Officer and Chartered Organization Representative) can hold more than one position. In a Cub Scout Pack, an adult leader can also be a Tiger Cub Adult Partner. This is not really an adult leadership position which is why it is allowed. It is listed in the “position” pull-down list because doing so makes it easier to create a new adult in Internet Rechartering. Click “Next” to move to the next screen.
Add New Adult 2 Note that Social Security Number must be entered by council staff to protect privacy This is the second screenshot from the new system that we received for add adult. Note the warning about Social Security Numbers. To protect the member’s privacy, only the council registrar can enter the social security number. After completing this page, click NEXT. Then complete any additional pages for this adult. If asked to save changes, click SAVE. Remember that a complete application and proof of YPT training is required for all new adults. Continue adding new adults until you have entered all that you have.
Add New Members 2 Click “New Youth” button to add youth
After you add all of your new adults, Internet Rechartering will allow you to enter new youth members. Click the blue “New Youth” button to add a new youth member. Otherwise, click “Next Step” to move on.
Add New Youth Enter data about the new youth member
Several screens are used to add a new youth member. We currently only have a screenshot of this first screen. We will leave the screens from the old system in place for now. Two screens add the youth’s information. Then several screens record information about the youth’s parent or guardian. After filling in screen 1 for the youth, click “Next”.
Add New Youth 2 Continue on page 2 Note Venturing Participant checkbox
Youth page 2 collect additional information such as phone number, date of birth, school grade, and ethnicity. If the youth is being added to / updated in a Venturing crew or Sea Scouting ship, the “Venturing Participant” checkbox will appear. Check the box if the youth will be 18 or older on the first day of the new charter. Attach proof of completion of YPT to the recharter. Click NEXT to provide parent information for this youth.
Add New Youth 3 Next enter the parent or guardian
Click “YES” or “NO” when asked if the youth’s parent a member of the unit If the parent is in the unit – including new adults just added at the beginning of Step 4 – select the parent by clicking the button Otherwise, collect the parent’s information through screens similar to those for “Add New Adult” but lacking the fields relating to Scouting position Now we need to enter this youth’s parent/guardian. If the parent/guardian is registered as a leader, we will just select the parent/guardian from the list of adult leaders. Otherwise, we will be presented with three screens similar to adding a new adult earlier.
Add New Youth 4 This screen appears for a “yes” response
Here’s an example where the parent / guardian is a member of the unit. Select the adult’s relationship to the youth FIRST. Be careful. You cannot change this selection later. We suggest that you select the relationship first. Then click on the “radio button” next to the adult that is this youth’s parent / guardian. The selected adult’s name turns red. If everything is correct, click “Save” to record this new youth and parent / guardian. The confirmation dialog appears. Click “OK” to make it go away. You will be returned to the “Add New Members” page. Click “New Youth” to add another youth. Click “Next Step” when you have added all new youth.
Add New Youth 5 Choose the adult’s relationship to the youth
Then select the adult with the “radio button” Here’s what the “Choose Relationship” menu looks like when the parent / guardian is a member of the unit. Select the adult’s relationship to the youth FIRST. Be careful. You cannot change this selection later. We suggest that you select the relationship first. Then click on the “radio button” next to the adult that is this youth’s parent / guardian.
Update Member Data Click “Update” to make changes to member
Click “Remove” to delete member Note YPT status information The next step allows you to make changes to the personal data for all members. This is handy to change addresses, phone numbers, addresses, and the like to be sure that all the information is correct. You can also make changes to the new members that you just added in case mistakes were made during that process. Click the “Update” link next to a member’s name to change that member. A series of screens will appear allowing you to make changes. Click “Update” on the last screen to save changes. You will be returned to this list Click the “Remove” link next to a member’s name to remove that member. A confirmation dialog will appear. (See next slide.) YPT status and most recent YPT completion date are shown here. If adults with “YPT Trained” = “N” complete the course, you can update their status with the “Update Roster” button in a later session. Click “Next Step” when you are finished making changes.
Update Member Position
Adult leader positions are checked against BSA requirements – problems flagged in red The final step of Stage 2 is “Update Member Position”. In this step, you will see a scrolling list of all adult members along with a list of all the positions that are required for this kind of unit plus any others to which adults are registered. The list of positions shows the minimum and maximum number of these positions that the unit can have and the number that are currently registered. Any errors are highlighted in red. To make corrections, click the “Update” link next to an adult’s name. When all of the problems have been cleared, click “Next Stage” to move onto Stage 3.
Stage 3 – Check Roster Click “Check Roster” to start a detailed check
Stage 3 performs a detailed check of the roster. Click “Check Roster” to begin. Notice that the names of all the steps of Stage 2 are listed as links near the bottom of this page. You can click on these links to return to that step in Stage 2. But, be warned, when you click on one of those links you will have to step through all of the steps after that one to which you returned to get back to this point.
Check Roster Finds two classes of problems
Errors, such as missing required data Warnings, such as a youth that appears to be in the wrong grade for his/her age Errors MUST be fixed before you continue Warnings should be fixed if there really is an error, but can be ignored if they are “false alarms” Links are provided that will take you to the place to make different possible corrections Check rosters finds “errors” and “warnings”. Errors must be fixed to continue past this point. Beginning in 2017, failure to have current Youth Protect Training for a position that requires it will generate an ERROR instead of a warning as in the past. Fix warnings if they are really a problem. Otherwise, the warning is just something that’s unusual and can be ignored.
Check Roster 2 Errors MUST be corrected before continuing
Use “click here” to take a corrective action Errors are things like missing required data like phone numbers and addresses. Errors MUST be fixed before you can move on. Links are provided to take you to the appropriate place to fix this error OR to delete the member with the error. Failure to have current YPT on file when it is required (adults and Venturing Participants) will result in an ERROR which must be corrected before you can proceed past this point. The links for the error shown above allow you to remove the member without YPT or to edit the member to correct the problem. Warnings are things like a youth’s grade level being either higher or lower than the one that is customary for the youth’s age. If the warning has detect something that is incorrect, you should fix the problem. However, if the warning has found something that is unusual but not wrong, just move on. You are not required to fix warnings. Links will be provided to fix the problems. For the grade example, links are provided to change the grade level and to change the youth’s birthdate.
Check Roster 3 Member’s YPT not found in the system
Enter date from certificate in hand as shown When a member’s YPT cannot be found by Internet Rechartering, enter the date from the YPT certificate in the appropriate update screen. YOU MUST ATTACH A COPY OF THE YPT CERTIFICATE TO THE RECHARTER PRINTOUT. Do not enter it on the update screen without having the certificate in you possession! And remember, only YPT course Y01, completed on or after February 1, 2018, is valid for recharter. My. Scouting YPT Aging Report is correct for all adult YPT. ENTER YPT AS SHOWN ONLY WHEN YOU HAVE A COPY IN YOUR POSSESSION. YOU MUST ATTACH CERTIFICATE TO THE PAPERWORK!
Check Roster 4 We can move on…
We arrive at this screen when we have fixed all the errors. Click “Next Stage” to move on.
Stage 4 - Summary Click “Summary” to review final roster and fees
Stage 4 consists of two steps. Click “Summary” to get started.
Update Fees Final roster with fees is displayed
“Update” link for fee changes The final roster is presented along with the fees (membership, Boys’ Life). Click “Update” to change Boys’ Life for a member. This is also where we indicate that the member pays BSA registration fees to another unit, that is, that the member is a “secondary” member in this unit and does not pay BSA registration fees in this unit. After making all changes, click the “Boys’ Life” button at the bottom of this page to check that “100% Boys’ Life” requirements have been met.
“Multiple” Member If your unit has members that pay their BSA registration fees in another unit, you do not need to pay BSA fees for them again. BSA calls this a “multiple” registration. Click “Update” by the member. On the dialog, click the “radio button” by “Member paid in another unit” and enter the other unit in the space which will appear. See next slide for example. Then click “Save”. This slide tells how to register a “secondary” member.
“Multiple” Member 2 Pop-over window where you can specify that the BSA fee is paid in another unit or council or select/deselect Boys’ Life; click “Save” when done When a “Update” link is clicked, the fees dialog box appears. To change Boys’ Life subscription: Check “Sign up for Boys’ Life” to subscribe this member to Boys’ Life. Uncheck “Sign up for Boys’ Life” to unsubscribe this member to Boys’ Life. To change the unit in which a member’s BSA membership is paid: If the member pays his/her BSA membership fee in another unit: Click “radio button” for “Member paid in another unit”. Fill in the unit type and unit number in the fields that will appear when the button is selected. If the member pays his/her BSA membership fee in this unit: Click radio button for “Member paid in this unit” – THIS IS THE DEFAULT. Click “Save” to record your changes and return to the list. (See next slide.)
Verify Boys Life If roster contains households not receiving Boys Life, a reminder appears A unit is considered to be “100% Boys Life” if every home address is subscribed to Boys Life. That way, households with multiple youth in the unit need only subscribe once. If any youth home address does not have a subscription, the name and address of that youth will appear on this screen. You can return to “Update Fees” to add a subscription if you missed someone who should have been subscribed.
Update Fees 4 Click “Next” at the bottom of the page when finished making changes The member’s fee is updated. Click “Next” to move on.
Membership Inventory Next IR asks you if all youth not renewing have been contacted. Scroll down … This step appears only if your unit has unit who are NOT renewing. BSA wants to know why youth are not renewing. First, you will be asked if all NON-RENEWING YOUTH were contacted. Scroll the page down to view the list of non-renewing youth…
Membership Inventory 2 … to specify NON-renewal reason for each youth member dropped; SAVE then NEXT BSA wants to know why youth are not renewing. All youth being dropped will be listed. Select the “radio button” corresponding to the reason that a youth is being dropped for each name in the list. Click “Save” to record the information then “Next” to move on to the next step.
Stage 5 – Submit Roster Stage 5 now has multiple steps
Optional step added allowing chartered organization to approve roster electronically Optional step added allowing online payment by credit card or electronic check Step to submit the updated roster for processing by the council Step asking for feedback from the person processing the recharter for the unit One thing remains the same: once you click “Submit to Council” you can no longer make changes!
Approve Roster Optionally, the Executive Officer or Chartered Organization Rep can approve the roster NOTE: THIS PROCESS MAY CHANGE IN THE EXAMPLES SHOWN ARE FROM 2018. The Institution Head / Executive Officer or Chartered Organization Representative may authorize the Unit Recharter Processor to approve the roster online. The Recharter Processor asks permission from the appropriate person (IH/EO or COR) following the policies and procedures of the chartered organization. Be prepared to take / send the approver a copy of the roster to review, if requested. See the next 3 slides for more details. The UNIT RECHARTER PROCESSOR is the person using Internet Rechartering on behalf of the unit! If permission is granted, the Recharter Processor selects the name of the person who granted approval from the pull-down list, then clicks the check box next to “I (WE) AGREE”. When the “NEXT” button at the bottom of the page is clicked, an documenting that online approval was used will be sent to the COR, the CC, and the unit leader. When printed, the area of the recharter roster that normally contains signature lines will indicate the approver’s name and position as having approved the roster online. For online approvals, the electronic signature is the only one required; the unit leader will NOT sign the roster. If permission is NOT granted, the Recharter Processor clicks the check box next to “I (WE) DO NOT AGREE”. When printed, the recharter roster will contain signature lines as usual. Both the chartered organization AND the unit leader must sign the roster IN INK. If you finish Internet Rechartering (“Submit to Council”) without completing “Online Approval”, signature lines will print on your roster. If the signature lines appear, YOU MUST GET THE SIGNATURES IN INK even if you tried to do “Online Approval” and did not succeed. The council can only accept a recharter with either valid electronic signature or with ink signatures of the Executive Officer and unit leader.
Using Online Approval Unit Recharter Processor obtains consent to sign electronically from Institution Head / Executive Officer or Chartered Organization Rep depending on policies of the chartered organization Unit Recharter Processor selects the consenting party from the pull-down list Unit Recharter Processor checks the box next “I (WE) AGREE” accepting the statement that the selected name has given consent Unit Key 3 and Unit Recharter Processor receive an saying it was signed See “Approve Roster” for notes…
Using Online Approval 2 If “Online Approval” is not used, Unit Recharter Processor does the following: Makes no selection from the pull-down list of IH/EO and CR Checks the box next to “I (WE) DO NOT AGREE” indicating no signature If you finish Internet Rechartering (“Submit to Council”) without completing “Online Approval”, signature lines will print on your roster which MUST BE SIGNED even if you try to use Online Approval and did not succeed. See “Approve Roster” for notes …
Using Online Approval 3 If you were successful using Online Approval, your roster will contain online approval confirmation instead of signature lines! This is an example of what an electronic signature looks like on the final printout. If Online Approval was not used OR IF ONLINE APPROVAL DID NOT WORK, this area will contain signature lines for signatures of the Chartered Organization’s Executive Officer and the Unit Leader. IF THE SIGNATURE LINES APPEAR, ORIGINAL INK SIGNATURES MUST BE OBTAINED. The council will not accept a recharter unless it has either an electronic signature OR original ink signatures of the required persons.
Confirm No Online Approval
If confirmation window appears, you have not used online approval; click OK to proceed. If online approval is not selected OR NOT COMPLETED, Internet Rechartering will request that you confirm that you did not want to use it. Click “OK” to proceed to “Online Payment”. Click “Cancel” to return to “Online Approval”.
Online Payment Optional step that allows unit to pay BSA and council fees by credit card or E-check THIS PROCESS MAY CHANGE IN This is the online payment step from 2018. In the information column at the right hand side of the page, note that Internet Rechartering has calculated the “Accident and Sickness Insurance Fee” and added it to the total. This eliminates the “blue form” that we used to calculate this fee in past years. (The example shown is for another council which charges a different amount.) A unit may pay by credit card or E-check online or by cash, check, or unit account offline. Click on the appropriate icon for the method of payment desired. The recharter printout will show that payment was processed if credit card or E-check is used. Note that the National Council of BSA is charging a 3% “convenience fee” for credit card use. Otherwise, click the “Pay Direct to Council” icon to pay by cash, check, or charge to your unit’s “council unit account” at the time your paperwork is turned in.
Online Payment Confirmation
If payment is made by credit card or E-check, a screen appears with confirmation details. It can be printed.
Payment Direct to Council
For payment direct to council (formerly “cash”), administrative fee disappears from the information column
Stage 5 – Submit Roster This is the final stage
Once you click “Submit to Council”, you cannot make any further changes We strongly recommend that you click the “Review/print roster” to print a draft copy of the recharter roster Review the draft with the unit leader and members of your recharter team before proceeding and make any corrections Note that the draft copy is watermarked “Draft” and contains no signature lines – it CANNOT be turned in, even with signatures Stage 5 is the final one. Once you click “Submit to Council” you cannot make any more changes. (If you find a error after this point, get out the ruler and ballpoint pen and make manual changes.) We STRONGLY URGE you to click “Review/print roster” to print a draft copy of your updated roster. Review the draft with your unit leader and other members of your unit’s recharter team. Go back and correct any errors found before proceeding. The draft printout is watermarked “DRAFT” and does not contain signature lines. IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY COUNCIL REGISTRATION EVEN IF YOU GET SIGNATURES ON IT. Why? Because a DRAFT roster has not been “Submitted to Council” which means your changes have not been moved back to the registration system.
Submit to Council If roster is correct, click “Submit to Council”
Get electronic signature and/or online payment first! (if using) Note that the Submit Roster page also contains a checkbox to allow council staff to remove funds from you unit’s “unit account” at the council office to pay the fees. Check this box if the unit account has enough money in it and you want to use it instead of a cash or check to pay your fees. Click “Submit to Council” to complete Internet Rechartering. This makes your work available to the council staff. After that, you will print the updated rosters for signatures.
Confirmation of Submission
One last chance to change your mind about submitting your revised roster…
User Survey Please provide feedback about problems you encountered, things you liked, suggestions for improvement. Your thoughtful suggestions will help shape improvements to Internet Rechartering!
Roster Submitted Print roster, called the “charter renewal application” for signatures This is the screen that appears after “User Survey”. It is the only page that you will be able to access after reaching this point. You cannot go back further. It has buttons to print the revised roster described further on the next slide. DON’T FORGET TO PRINT AND SAVE YOUR REVISED ROSTER USING THE “PRINT RENEWAL APPLICATION” BUTTON. It will be in “PDF” format. This page also includes a button to print a short form of the renewal application called “Renewal Report E-Z” introduced in DO NOT PRINT THE E-Z REPORT because it does NOT include a list of all members that you are renewing. While this report will print less paper, you will not be able to make corrections that you discover after submitting your changes. There are also buttons to print the current unit quality form (Journey to Excellence) and a Charter Agreement. We recommend downloading and using the Journey to Excellence spreadsheet from the National Council JTE page. You can access this page from item #16 from “Documents and Forms Used in Recharter” link in the “Rechartering Resources” section of or by the direct link Or you can print a paper copy by clicking on the button on this page. THE JTE FORM MUST BE RECEIVED IN THE COUNCIL OFFICE BY DECEMBER 31. The BSA system that processes JTE forms will not accept this year’s form after it is no longer this year! Your District Executive (or District Director) should be handling the Charter Agreement through a personal visit to the chartered organization Executive Officer. The visit should have occurred before you take the updated recharter roster to the Executive Officer for his/her signature. Therefore, we recommend that you do NOT print the Charter Agreement unless specifically requested to do so by your DE (or DD).
Print Roster After “Submit to Council” is clicked, a PDF file can be created on your computer containing the updated roster by clicking “Print Recharter Renewal Application”. This final copy will not be watermarked “Draft” and WILL contain either electronic signature OR signature lines for the Chartered Organization head and Unit Leader. Print the entire PDF and fasten it together. Do not discard any pages! Log off Internet Rechartering The roster is “printed” as a PDF file to your computer. Print the new roster using Adobe Acrobat Reader. We suggest that you save this file and remember where you save it in case you need to print it again. Be sure to turn in ALL PAGES printed by this process. All of them have important uses by the council staff to complete your recharter. When you are done, log off Internet Rechartering.
Printed Roster Roster approved onine and paid online with a credit card
Now What? If you didn’t use Online Approval, now you need to get signatures of the unit leader and the Chartered Organization head (the person who signed the Charter Agreement with BSA). Remember that the chartered organization must sign all adult applications and that the unit leader must sign all youth applications. Save yourself and them some time by checking all your new applications to be sure that they are properly signed and take along any that haven’t been signed. At this point, you need to complete the process. Get signatures from the chartered organization’s Executive Officer and the unit leader. Save them and YOU some time by taking along all youth and adult applications at the same time. The chartered organization must approve all adult applications. The unit leader must approve all youth applications. (Don’t forget that the Committee Chair must approve all adult applications too.)
And Then? If you didn’t pay online, ask your unit Treasurer for a check payable to Sam Houston Area Council for the total amount on the recharter roster. Gather payment, new applications, and the entire printout from Internet Rechartering. Turn in Journey to Excellence if it is ready to go but don’t delay turning in your recharter to complete it! Paper clip them all together and turn in at your district’s turn-in event or the council office no later than December 15. Get a check for the total from the recharter roster plus any new members being added during the month of recharter. Clip together the signed roster, all completed new applications, and payment. If you have completed the Journey to Excellence, turn it in at the same time. Otherwise, turn it in to the Cockrell Scout Center on or before December 31. Don’t delay turning in the recharter to complete the Journey to Excellence form. Turn it in at the district turn-in event or the council office no later than December 15th. If errors are found by the council staff, your Commissioner or District Executive will contact the unit for corrections. Corrections must be completed within two months after the current charter expires or the recharter will be considered “late” for Journey to Excellence purposes.
Wrap-Up Thanks again for taking the time to make administration of Scouting more efficient! Well, that’s it. Thank you for staying to the end. We hope that the time will have been well-spent and that you are ready to tackle recharter. Our goal is to make this process as efficient as we can within BSA’s policies, so that we can spend time with our youth instead of neck-deep in administrivia. Thank you for helping us to be “ON TIME – ERROR FREE”!
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