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Presentation on theme: "Stationery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stationery

2 Stationery an eraser a crayon a pencil case a marker a ruler
a notebook

3 What is missing? an eraser a ruler a notebook a crayon a marker
a pencil case

4 What is missing? a notebook a crayon a marker a pencil case a ruler
an eraser

5 What is missing? a pencil case an eraser a crayon a notebook a marker
a ruler

6 What is missing? a crayon an eraser a notebook a ruler a pencil case
a marker

7 Do you have __ ______? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. a marker
a pencil case a marker

8 Do you have __ ______? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. an eraser a ruler

9 Do you have __ ______? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. a notebook a crayon

10 Q:What do you have? A:I have _ ______. a pencil case

11 Q:What do you have? A:I have _ ______. a notebook

12 Q:What do you have? A:I have _ ______. an eraser

13 Q:What do you have? A:I have _ ______. a marker

14 Q:What do you have? A:I have _ ___ and _ ___. a notebook a marker

15 Q:What do you have? A:I have _ ___ and _ ___. a pencil case a ruler

16 Q:What do you have? A:I have _ ___ and _ ___. a crayon an eraser

17 Q:What do you have? A:I have _ ___, _ ___, _ ___, and _ ___. a crayon
an eraser a crayon a notebook a ruler

18 Q:What do you have? A:I have _ ___, _ ___, _ ___, and _ ___. a crayon
a marker a pencil case a ruler

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