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What are the key differences

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Presentation on theme: "What are the key differences"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the key differences
between Surgery in 1840 and modern surgery? What has facilitated this change? What has made the changes possible?

2 Lesson Objectives To explain the reasons why new technology has lead to medical progress To identify how heart surgery was made possible To explain the problems still faced by modern surgery

3 Why did heart surgery become possible? Progress in High –Tech surgery
Problems in heart surgery Why did heart surgery become possible? Christiaan Barnard Cyclosporin and Chance Green book p

4 What is keyhole surgery?
Surgeons have now developed techniques that mean surgery can be performed through minimal invasion or opening up of the body New technology has been vital in this process

5 What is radiation therapy?
Often used to treat cancerous tumours without actually cutting them or it helps to shrink them to make surgery more managable Avoids infection and can be used when it is too dangerous to operate due to the location of the tumour

6 What problems does modern surgery still face?
Cost Number of patients Time Lack of suitable donors for transplant operations

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