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Automated Zone A Floodplain Mapping

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1 Automated Zone A Floodplain Mapping
David Knipe Engineering Section Manager

2 FEMA floodplain designations
Zone AE: has elevation and floodway mapped – from detailed hydraulic model Zone A: has only 1% chance annual flood mapped – could be from any source

3 Why Map Zone A’s? New FEMA guidance – all new zones must be model based Still 10,000+ stream miles in Indiana that are not model based Cost prohibitive to provide detailed zones in all areas Need quick, easy and inexpensive way to map quality floodplains

4 The Zone A project IDNR funded by OCRA / CDGB (not FEMA) to map 3,200 miles of Zone A floodplains Modeling exclusively using new LiDAR DEM’s Full “RiskMAP” modeling, including 5 profiles, Flood Elevation Points, FBS Points, SFHA boundaries and depth grids

5 Zone A tools Tools are a set of Python scripts inside of an Arc Toolbox – other tools (such as HEC-GeoRAS) are not needed Only stream centerline, cross sections and overbank flow paths need to be created in Arc. HEC-RAS model will be considered an approximate model (no bridges, no floodway).

6 Stream Selection Use the CNMS database to determine stream reaches that were not studied during the Map Modernization process

7 Hydrology: Streamstats
hydrology for a stream reach will be completed by using the Purdue regression equations as found in the USGS application, Streamstats

8 Hydrology: Results Results from Streamstats service returned as XML file and imported into Excel, plotted on log-log plot Final discharges based on best fit line, not actual values (standard Division practice) discharges adjusted by defining a split point to improve the fit of the line the user to choose either the regression results (50%) or the upper 68% or 90% confidence interval for use in the model

9 Hydrology: Results

10 Hydraulic pre processing
three hydraulic data features will need to be created; stream centerline, cross sections and overbank flow paths

11 Hydraulic processing the initial script checks the geometry of the input data for anomalies the second script pulls elevation data from the DEM and creates a HEC-RAS import file

12 HEC-RAS import File created from Hydraulic script imported into HEC-RAS

13 HEC-RAS Cross Sections
Sections as imported represent LiDAR data for each line

14 Mannings’s N Values Automatically derived using relationships based on Anderson Land Use classification and NLCD data (2006)

15 HEC-RAS model development
Cross section points must be filtered (> 500 points) Data evaluated for reasonableness and ineffective flow areas Discharges added to model from Excel spreadsheet Bridges not modeled, but adjusted for using ineffective flow, where necessary

16 Bridge “modeling”

17 Hydraulic Post Processing
Run a series of scripts that generate 1% annual chance floodplain (S_FLD_HAZ_AR) Depth grids and WSEL TIN’s for all 5 profiles Floodplain Boundary Standard check point Flood Elevation Points (for INFIP) Format largely meets DCS standards

18 1% annual chance floodplain
Derived from subtraction of WSEL tin and DEM, with cleaning of edges and elimination of extraneous small shapes

19 Depth Grids New requirement from “RiskMAP” used in HAZUS and for visualization

20 Flood Elevation Points
Used in INFIP for calculation of RFE at a point Created along stream centerline at 50 foot spacing, tagged with 1% flood elevation

21 Floodplain Boundary Standard check
Ensures that floodplain delineations are matching topography Standard FEMA evaluation technique Points spaced along floodplain boundary at 100 foot interval

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