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A Question of…. Mental & Physical Health.

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Presentation on theme: "A Question of…. Mental & Physical Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Question of…. Mental & Physical Health

2 A question of mental & physical health……
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3 What are the four types of illness?
Question What are the four types of illness? Answer Short term infections Long term illness e.g. TB, glandular fever Chronic Illness e.g. angina, asthma, arthritis Long term diseases eg cancer, heart problems, kidney failure return

4 What 4 factors affect physical and mental health?
Question What 4 factors affect physical and mental health? Answer Physical Social and emotional Economic Environmental return

5 Question Give an example of a physical factor that can affect physical and mental health ? Answer – A poor diet Large families= infections Lack of sleep return

6 Question Answer return
What type of factor is living in a damp, dirty home? Answer Environmental factor return

7 Question Answer return
What things can affect a person’s employment prospects? Answer Economic, environmental factors, marriage, divorce, ethnicity, education, physical health, children return

8 Question Answer Economic factor return
Lack of money causes stress, what type of factor would this be if it affected your physical and mental health? Answer Economic factor return

9 Question Give the 5 most important things that you think lead to good physical and mental health Answer correct return

10 Question- What is self-esteem?
Answer – is how you value yourself as a person. People who have a general good opinion of themselves are said to have a high self-esteem. You may never share these opinions with anyone else. return

11 Question Answer Social and emotional return
The loss of a partner, relative or close family can cause unhappiness, which may develop into depression, what type of factor would this be? Answer Social and emotional return

12 What do we mean by “employment prospects”?
Question – What do we mean by “employment prospects”? Answer – A persons ability to be employed, remain in a job and have a successful job. return

13 Question – How can having children affect a woman’s employment prospects?
Answer – having a break when pregnant may miss out on promotion, initiatives or training. return

14 Question – What economic factors can improve your employment prospects ? Answer- having own transport can allow you travel longer, access to internet can help look for work, word-processed applications look more professional than hand-written, smart clothes for interviews. return

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