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What is an Epic?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is an Epic?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is an Epic?

2 Definition A long narrative poem written in an elevated style.
Tells of a hero who has a goal of saving or helping a nation. The hero embodies the values of the people he/she represents and is part of their cultural tradition.

3 Type of Epics Folk Epics- Collection of epics that were passed on by oral tradition The Iliad- Chronicles the Trojan War siege on Ilion (Troy). Greek The Odyssey- Story of Odysseus (Romans referred to him as Ulysses) and his return from the Trojan War after Troy fell. Greek The Song of Roland- Chronicles King Charlemagne. Oldest French manuscript known. The Nibelungenlied- The story tells of dragon-slayer Siegfried at the court of the Burgundians, how he was murdered, and of his wife Kriemhild's revenge. German epic. Literary Epics- Composed (written without previous oral tradition) by using the style of the folk epic. Paradise Lost- John Milton

4 Conventions (literary or formal characteristics) of an Epic
Invoking the muse In Medias Res Epic Hero on a Quest Valorous Deeds (courage in the face of danger) Supernatural Forces Elevated Style

5 Epic Hero on a Quest Quest is a dangerous journey that tests the hero
Characteristics of an epic hero: Main character of the epic Noble of birth Does things that others cannot

6 Valorous Deeds Reveal the hero’s good qualities.
Deeds completed are done in accordance with the represented cultures values.

7 Supernatural Forces Heroes or monsters are looked after by supernatural forces or deities.

8 Elevated Style Lofty diction- the word choice used is very formal in nature Makes the importance of the story known. May contain lists (catalogs) of different things: weapons, genealogy, battles, or gifts.

9 Look at Gilgamesh Model on p. 35
Read the story. Look at the examples that illustrate why Gilgamesh falls into this type of story.

10 In Your Group… Choose a hero from a film or story
Identify the heroic quality of that hero; what makes him/her a hero? How do these reflect on the values of our culture or the culture that he/she is a hero for? Be prepared to share it with the rest of the class in 5 minutes.

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