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Chasing tornados in VORTEX2 with TODWL/ TWOLF

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1 Chasing tornados in VORTEX2 with TODWL/ TWOLF
Emmitt (SWA) Bluestein and Houser (OU) DWL WG Meeting 24 – 26 August 2010 Bar Harbor, Me

2 Outline VORTEX2 objectives TWOLF conversion from TODWL
Technical issues Bandwidth Overheating Vibrations/shock Data status

3 VORTEX2 objectives Understanding the storm scale environment and its role in tornado genesis and evolution. Conduct 6 month field experiment using a “virtual” command center and very adaptive chase capability Deploy a lidar and radar combination for the first time to describe the interaction between the “hydrometeor” storm components and the boundary layer (< 500 meters).


5 TWOLF conversion from TODWL
Objective was to enable installation of the 2 um Coherent DWL flown in the CIRPAS Twin Otter since 2005 into both the Twin Otter and a Mobile Weather Radar(MWR) truck/enclosure operated by CIRPAS. This required having a different scanner and software for each configuration: Bi-axial cylindrical scanner on the Twin Otter and a hemispherical scanner on the MWR enclosure.

6 Technical issues (1) Bandwidth
The receiver/data system with the TODWL was designed with a bandwidth of m/s; adequate for airborne conical scans with degree nadir angles. Need a bandwidth of m/s Solution was thought to be in hand but was not implementable in the time allowed.

7 Technical Issues (2) Overheating
The TODWL system had occasions when lidar overheated while taxiing; TWOLF overheated frequently during the checkout period Solution was to upgrade the cooling system; no problems after that. Vibrations and high g loadings Issues with alignment or other damage to the DWL never arose during the TODWL operations; suspension of transceiver in MWR enclosure required special vibration damping and sway arrestors.



10 Data Status Data was taken on 26 days between 6 May and 12 June, 2010.
Mostly outflows ,inflows and evidence of rolls Tornados??? TBD

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