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Inverted river delta – one of only a few worldwide

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1 Inverted river delta – one of only a few worldwide


3 Freshwater Ocean Estuary Salmon life cycle 2 adults return to spawn
4,000 eggs are laid 800 fry hatch 200 smolts go to sea 10 reach adulthood Freshwater Ocean Estuary

4 Central Valley Runoff MAF


6 1594 Dams in California National Inventory of Dams, Army Corps

7 Now Then Consider the fade to black scene
Modified from Lindley et al. 2006







14 1873 Delta: Long residence time Marsh connections Two rivers connect
to bay Waterways dendritic

15 Modern delta Short residence times Rip-rapped Cross Delta flows
Rare San Joaquin connection to bay Waterways web-like

16 Estuarine habitat conceptual model (Peterson 2003)
Stationary Habitat Production Area Tidal and River Flow Fish Recruitment Dynamic Habitat

17 QoutWet and Dry.OPJ

18 Most fishes follow salinities
Marine species Kimmerer 2004

19 What Changes As Flow Increases?
Salinities move downstream Suisun Marsh Location of Any Salinity Range L S Z stratification 1

20 Suisun Marsh Sacramento River at Decker Island

21 With deep appreciation to Allison Whipple, Robin Grossinger, and many others at SFEI

22 Open water:Marsh 1: 14 historically 6: 1 now Open water:Marsh 1.4: 1 historically 6.3: 1 now

23 Thanks to Wim Kimmerer


25 Salmon – refresh portfolio diversity:
cold water assurance manage different streams differently manage hatcheries differently make habitat for fry and for smolts make habitat widely spread, including juvenile rearing in non-natal streams Smelts – ensure steady return every year: protect spawners on way up protect young on way down aim for smooth arcs of habitat through range of likely salinities plan for drought actions before droughts hit, plan a year ahead Other native freshwater fish – Occasional jackpots are fine improve wet year connectivity and duration of flooded conditions

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