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Welcome to Hillcrest Intermediate School

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1 Welcome to Hillcrest Intermediate School
Hillcrest Intermediate Parent Orientation Welcome to Hillcrest Intermediate School

2 2019-2020 School Year First Day of Instruction: August 19, 2019
Schedules on Skyward Family Access Supply information sent out in Visitation on August 12, 10 AM – 2 PM School also open Tuesday, August AM – 2 PM

3 Important Names to Remember
Mrs. Banasick – Assistant Principal Mrs. Anderson – Main Office Secretary Mrs. Daniels – Guidance Office Secretary Mrs. Rusinko/Mrs. Carson – Nurse (share with Sunset Valley) Mrs. Dowling – Guidance Counselor (A-K) Mr. Conrad – Guidance Counselor (L-Z) Mrs. Staso – Cafeteria Manager

4 2019-2020 School Year 3 Person Teams
Three Person Team Mathematics ELA Science/Social Studies Students move as a homeroom to their specials Students mixed in core classes

5 5th Grade Class Information
6 day cycle – same as K-4 buildings Homeroom (5 minutes – announcements) Mathematics (86 minutes per day) ELA (86 minutes per day) Science (43 minutes per day) Social Studies (43 minutes per day) ER (43 minutes – 4 days per cycle) Activity Period (28 minutes per day)

6 5th Grade Specials Physical Education/Health – 2 days per cycle
Music (Band, Chorus, Orchestra) – 2 days per cycle Art – 2 days per cycle Library Science/Media – 1 day per cycle Instructional Technology – 1 day per cycle 2 days a cycle your student will have two specials, 4 days a cycle your student will have one special and ER

7 Activity Period 28 minutes at the end of the day
Activities such as chorus, band, orchestra, and Student Council meet during activity period Students can go to any of their team teachers during activity period for help School Store is open during Activity Period (one day a cycle) NTFCU Bank Recess

8 Activity Period Recess (three days per cycle)

9 Grading Scale A = 92% and above B = 82% - below 92%
C = 70% - below 82% D = 60% - below 70% F = below 60% Citizenship: O, S, N, U

10 Arriving at School Students can begin entering the building at 7:35 AM
Breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:35-7:55 AM Homeroom begins at 8 AM Grades 5-8 ride buses together Hillcrest students sit in the front half of the bus

11 Dismissal Dismissal begins at approximately 2:55 Three Bus Waves
Third Wave exits building by 3:10 Walkers and Car Riders leave after third wave Early Dismissal – dismissal at 12:55 August 30, 2019 September 27, 2019 November 27, 2019 March 13, 2020

12 Car Riders Morning Drop-Off

13 Car Riders Afternoon Pick-Up

14 Written Notices for the Office
Absence Early Dismissal Tardy for Medical Riding different bus home – notes required by all families Educational Trip – district form for each student

15 Keys to the Castle Universal set of behavior expectations
Posted around the building (bus, classroom, hallway, restroom, and cafeteria) Students earn reinforcers for good behavior Knights 200 Board Knights Knook Noble Knights

16 Lunch Three Lunch Periods
5th Grade eats during first and second lunch periods Students sit with their teams 30 minutes to eat lunch and properly socialize Teachers escort classes to and from the cafeteria Teachers/Administration supervise cafeteria

17 Miscellaneous Parent Teacher Conferences Open House
No formal conference day Open House September 4 (6th grade) September 5 (5th grade) Safeguard – Creative Adventures Cell Phone Policy

18 Questions?

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