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Protein Synthesis.

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1 Protein Synthesis

2 Gene Expression Protein- is a long string of amino acids that fold into various structures Gene: segment of DNA that specifies the amino acid (AA) sequence of a protein

3 Gene Expression RNA- Ribonucleic Acid
-link between DNA & Protein synthesis -single strand, single helix, Uracil not Thymine

4 Gene Expression 3 types:
1. Messenger (mRNA)- takes DNA message to ribosome 2. Ribosomal (rRNA)- make up ribosome (with proteins) 3. Transfer (tRNA)- brings AA to ribosomes

5 Gene Expression Gene Expression- production of a protein 2 steps:
1. Transcription- DNA copied into mRNA 2. Translation- mRNA directs the sequence of AA in a polypeptide

6 Transcription Transcription of mRNA
-RNA Polymerase binds tightly to Promoter -Promoter is a region of DNA that contains special sequence of nucleotides -RNA Polymerase opens up DNA & joins RNA nucleotides to DNA (complimentary)

7 Transcription Cont’d -Processing-
Add Guanine cap and poly-adenosine tail Introns, segments of DNA with no gene function, are cut out leaving only exons

8 Summary What to know: Relationship between DNA and genes and AA and proteins DNA vs RNA Steps of transcription Processing steps

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