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Civics Ms. Pablos-Aguirre.

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Presentation on theme: "Civics Ms. Pablos-Aguirre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civics Ms. Pablos-Aguirre

2 About me I graduated from Florida International University
I studied History for my BA Social Studies Secondary Education Program Minors in Psychology and Biology This is my second year at Doral Academy.

3 Contact information Remind App Can be messaged through remind Middle School Office Phone Number Call office to schedule any one-on-one or group teacher conferences

4 Hours I am at school between 6:30-6:40 AM and I stay until around 4:00 PM for students to make up tests/quizzes and ask me any questions

5 Remind App Period 2: p2civic Period 4: p4civic Period 5: pa5civic

6 Doral Academy Student ID Safety Requirement:
  As part of the new school safety initiative, beginning the week of September 17 Doral Academy students are required to wear their student ID as part of their school uniform. Any student without their school ID will not be allowed to go to class.  They will be given a new ID with a $5.00 obligation fee before going to their next period.

7 Procedures Homework is always announced in class, posted on the Doral website, and a Remind text is sent out. Parents are welcome to join the Remind group to get the reminders as well! Phones are kept in the pocket chart unless required for a class activity. Bathroom use is limited, unless a doctor’s note is provided for exceptions. Make-up work is the responsibility of the student. For extreme circumstances arrangements will be made on a case by case basis.

8 Edgenuity Students will be using Edgenuity to complete weekly online courses on the topics covered in class. Students need access to a computer/laptop and internet in order to complete the assignments. Students will be given a week (7 days) to complete assigned lessons. We have seen that students who complete Edgenuity score better on the EOC versus those who do not! It is GRADED!

9 Account Please ensure that your child has access to an account as we will use it to sign up for certain platforms that we will use in class! E.g. Quizziz Also a great way to contact me is through !

10 Textbook The textbook is provided for them in the classroom, under their seats They will never have to take them home!

11 Grading Participation 10% Classwork/Homework 15% Quizzes 20%
Projects/Essays 25% Tests %

12 Any general questions?

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