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1.0%Glc + 50µm MY 1.0%Glc + 50µm GY 1.0%Glc 50 µm GY 50 µm MY A B E

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1 1.0%Glc + 50µm MY 1.0%Glc + 50µm GY 1.0%Glc 50 µm GY 50 µm MY A B E A3L3 C D hsr8-1 F G 2.5 1.8 1.6 2 1.4 A3L3 1.2 Hypocotyl Length (cm) 1.5 Root Length (cm) hsr8-1 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 β-D-Mannosyl Yariv 0.2 β-D-Glucosyl Yariv 1.0%Glc 1.0%Glc 1.0%Glc + 1µm GY 1.0%Glc + 10µm GY 1.0%Glc + 30µm GY 1.0%Glc + 50µm GY 1.0%Glc + 30µm Yariv 1.0%Glc + 50µm Yariv 1.0%Glc + 1µmYariv 1.0%Glc + 10µm Yariv Dark development and Hypocotyl Elongation of hsr8 Are not Affected by β-D-Glucosyl Yariv. Dark development of 14-d-old seedlings of A3L3 grown on MS medium supplemented with 1% glucose and either 50mM β-D-Glucosyl Yariv (GY) (A) or 50mM β-D-Mannosyl Yariv (MY) (B). Dark development of 14-d-old seedlings of hsr8-1 grown on MS medium supplemented with 1% glucose and either 50mM β-D-Glucosyl Yariv (C) or 50mM β-D-Mannosyl Yariv. (D). Root growth of 14-d-old dark- grown seedlings of A3L3 (left) and hsr8-1 (right) grown on MS medium supplemented with 1% glucose, 1%glucose + 50mM β-D-Glucosyl Yariv and 1% glucose + 50mM β-D-Mannosyl Yariv, respectively (E). Hypocotyl length of 14-d-old dark- grown seedlings of A3L3 and hsr8-1 grown on MS medium supplemented with 1% glucose and the different β-D-Glucosyl Yariv concentrations (F). Root length of 14-d-old dark- grown seedlings of A3L3 and hsr8-1 grown on MS medium supplemented with 1% glucose and the different β-D-Glucosyl Yariv concentrations (G). The scale bars represent 1 mm in A, B, C and D, and 2 mm in E. Supplementary Figure 2 Yunhai Li et al., 2007

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