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Welcome to Year 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 4

2 Mrs Middleton Mrs Cowdrill
The Team Teachers Mrs Woodman Mr Plumbly Support Staff Mrs Middleton Mrs Cowdrill Mrs Brindle

3 Responsibility Setting an example School responsibility
Personal responsibility

4 Learning Topics World War II Antarctic Explorers Aztecs

5 Special Events Christmas Play Bletchley Park PGL Adventure Trip
Cadbury’s World Leavers Performance Sport and tournaments House captains

6 Homework Learning Logs Spellings
Try and complete at least one piece of homework each week. Sent home on Friday – return to school on Thursday. Spellings Taught in class every day Sent home every Monday and tested on a Friday Scientist Stanley Activities related to termly topic – choose one question each half term

7 Times Tables Times Tables New statutory assessment
Specific groups of times tables each half term Practice activities sent home on a Friday – tested the following Friday On-going teaching and practice at school

8 Assessment Continue to assess the children against age-related expectations on an on-going basis. Assessment tests will be undertaken every half term and form part of overall teacher assessment.

9 PE PE is timetabled every Friday and swimming on a Monday. We may take advantage of opportunities during the week. Please ensure PE and swimming kits are in school every Monday. Please ensure children have suitable kit for indoor or outdoor PE. Trainers, jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt for cold weather as well as shorts and PE top. PE is part of the curriculum, if children are well enough for school they will take part in PE lessons. Jewellery

10 Swimming Swimming is timetabled for Monday afternoons.
We cannot swim without sufficient help. Swimming is also part of the National Curriculum and all children in school will be expected to participate.

11 Library Children change their library books every Thursday.
Please continue to support and encourage reading, it is the most significant and valuable skill.

12 Questions

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