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Early American Imperialism

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1 Early American Imperialism

2 Arguments For Expansion The Five D’s
Destiny Dollar Darwinism Democracy Diplomacy/Dominance There were five justifications for expansion DESTINY Americans have the God-given right to expand and spread their influence DOLLAR American should expand to improve/increase trade – desire to have access to raw materials or to new markets (people who will purchase excess American goods) DARWINISM Americans should help the uncivilized/unfit (These groups may be unfit because of race, religion, government.  Closely tied to Destiny and Democracy) DEMOCRACY Americans should spread the ideals of democracy to other lands that have monarchies or unsuitable governments DIPLOMACY/DOMINANCE Americans should expand to preserve their role in the global economy and global politics.  They must balance avoiding war with competing powers with the desire not to be “outdone” by them.

3 Commodore Matthew Perry Opens Up Japan: 1853
Americans also showed interest in the Pacific. In 1853, an American fleet led by Matthew Perry sailed to Tokyo Bay and convinced Japan to open trade relations with the United States The use of military power to pry open an isolationist nation before European powers. By the 1860s, The United States and several European countries had signed a series of treaties that allowed for expanded trade with Japan. The Japanese View of Commodore Perry

4 “Seward’s Icebox”: 1867 In 1867, Secretary of State William Seward bought Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars In addition to gaining more territory, Seward hoped the presence of the United States on two sides of Canada would force the British out of the region. Most Americans ridiculed the “undertaking. They said Seward was buying worthless, “walrus covered icebergs” in a worthless, God-forsaken region. In the end, the Senate ratified the purchase, and the United States took possession Although for reasons he couldn’t have forseen, Sewards purchase turned out to be quite lucrative. There is oil in Alaska.

5 The Midway Islands and Hawaii
Queen Liliuokalani Midway Islands Seward bought the uninhabited Midway Islands for use as repairing and refueling stations for navy vessels in the Pacific. Hawaii The United States signed a treaty with Hawaii and took a more active role in protecting Latin America. Coup d'état on January 17, 1893 anti-monarchial insurgents, composed largely of US citizens, engineered the overthrow of Queen Lili'uokalani. Hawaii was initially reconstituted as an independent republic, but the ultimate goal of the revolutionaries was the annexation of the islands to the United States, which was finally accomplished in 1898.

6 Banana Republics Business leaders argued economic problems could be solved by securing new markets abroad. Some business leaders invested directly in the economies of other countries. Investments gave them political influence in that country. The United Fruit Company invested and gained political influence in Central American nations. These nations were called banana republics. (Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Honduras)

7 SUMMARIZE How did the U.S. manage to control Hawaii?
The establishment of Banana Republics demonstrated what kind of imperialism?

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