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King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

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Presentation on theme: "King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals"— Presentation transcript:

1 King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Mechanical Engineering Dynamics ME 201 BY Dr. Meyassar N. Al-Haddad Lecture # 33

2 General Application of the Equations of Motion
Summation of moment in FBD = summation of the kinetic moment in K.D

3 Rectilinear Translation

4 Curvilinear Translation

5 Example mm=125 kg mR= 75 kg a= ? NB=? FB=? ms=? Minimum to Lift front wheel

6 Problem m = 80 kg mB= 0.8 NA= ? NB= ? When rear wheel locks for break a = ? Deceleration aG mBNB NA NB

7 Problem m= 80 kg mB= ? NA=? NB=? a =? When traveling at constant velocity and no break was applied NA NB mBNB a = 0

8 Problem m= 80 kg NA=? NB=? a =? mk=? minimum When rider applies the front break and back wheel start to lift off the ground NA NB=0 mkNA

9 Example mBD=100kg mAB=mCD= Neglect q = 30o w = 6 rad/s TA= ? TD= ?

10 Rotation About a Fixed Axis


12 Pin Reaction Horizontal Reaction Vertical Reaction OR Normal Reaction
Tangential Reaction If G&O are same use horizontal and vertical If G&O are not same use normal and tangential On Ot Ox On Oy Ot

13 Example 17-9 Start from rest m = 30 kg w=20rad/s Pin reaction? q=? Number

14 Example 17-10 m= 20 kg

15 Example 17-11 m=60 kg Radius of gyration kO=0.25 mb=20 kg a=? Drum a=?

16 Example 17-12 W=50 Ib kG=0.6 ft w= 8 rad/s Pin reaction =?

17 Thank you

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