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Agenda –May 10, 2018 • UI Employer Brand updates – Ben

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda –May 10, 2018 • UI Employer Brand updates – Ben"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda –May 10, 2018 • UI Employer Brand updates – Ben updates – Keith and Angie Recruiters identified- Keith What’s Next – Job Impact Analysis – Keith (including overview of Playback) - Communication Talking Points – Keith and Angie • Talent Acquisition Strategy preliminary discussion – Attract, Engage, Recruit- Joni and Talent Acquisition Team (Jan, Wanda, Keith)

2 Staff and faculty perceptions of the University of Iowa as an employer

3 Method N = 18,747 (50% or greater FTE) Sample n = 3,000 (16% of N)
Completed surveys: 1,234 Completion rate: 41%

4 Mix of respondents: Faculty (134) 11% Merit (268) 22% SEIU (217) 17%
P&S (619) 50%

5 Did you move to Iowa or Iowa City for your current position?
Faculty P&S staff Merit 90 90 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 Yes No Yes No Yes No

6 Top 5 factors in choosing where to work
Faculty P&S Merit 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

7 Top 5 differentiators as an employer
Faculty P&S Merit 30 30 30 25 25 25 20 20 20 15 15 15 10 10 10 5 5 5

8 Best adjectives to describe UI faculty and staff:
P&S Merit 25 25 25 20 20 20 15 15 15 10 10 10 5 5 5

9 How do you refer to the University of Iowa?
Faculty P&S staff Merit 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

10 Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)
On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend the University of Iowa as an employer? Audiences Mean rating Detractors (0-6) Passives (7-8) Promoters (9-10) eNPS Faculty and staff (1171) 7.8 19% 41% 40% 21 Faculty (134) 7.3 24% 44% 32% 16 P&S (610) 8.2 13% 42% 45% 32 Merit (268) 7.6 29% 33% 38% 9

11 Faculty: What do you consider the university’s biggest strength or asset?

12 Merit staff: What do you consider the university’s biggest strength or asset?

13 P&S staff: What do you consider the university’s biggest strength or asset?

14 Faculty: What do you consider the university’s biggest liability or weakness?

15 P&S: What do you consider the university’s biggest liability or weakness?

16 Merit staff: What do you consider the university’s biggest liability or weakness?

17 The meaning of ‘Hawkeye’
Faculty I primarily associate Hawkeye with athletics Being a Hawkeye means being part of a community I consider myself a Hawkeye 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 P&S I primarily associate Hawkeye with athletics Being a Hawkeye means being part of a community I consider myself a Hawkeye 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Merit I primarily associate Hawkeye with athletics Being a Hawkeye means being part of a community I consider myself a Hawkeye 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

18 Takeaways Mobility: Faculty will move for their work; staff are far less likely to do so. Motivation in choosing where to work: All groups cite colleagues and peers and making a difference as important factors Faculty: research resources, the community and campus culture Staff: work-life balance and salary Differentiators: All groups consider our academic medical center, the friendliness of our people, UI’s benefits, and safety and livability as key differentiators as an employer Descriptors: All groups use the terms friendly, collaborative, diverse and productive to describe employees of the University of Iowa ‘U of I’ and ‘UI’ are largely internal nicknames for the University of Iowa ‘Hawkeye’ meaning <50% of faculty and staff consider themselves Hawkeyes <60% of faculty and staff agree that being a Hawkeye means being part of a greater community <70% of faculty and staff primarily associate ‘Hawkeye’ with athletics/entertainment

19 UI Project Team Updates

20 Project Updates Decisions to Date (through May 7th)
Job Aggregator Kick-off/Configuration EEO-1 decision Historical Candidate view/Transfer Candidate tools (restricted access) Data Integrations with PeopleSoft/GIS completed Workbooks completed/Configuration underway

21 Recruiter Identification Process Summary
All have or will consolidate recruiters within the org All are interested in efficiently managing recruiting resources, e.g. sharing and evolving over time Most are planning to have recruiting be a part of an HR Rep position, those positions will remain generalists at least for now There’s excitement for building advanced recruiting skills There is a span of recruiting service levels needed, we’ll use this in project implementation

22 Recruiter Identification
What's Next Job Impact Analysis Interviews to inform training Will coordinate with Senior HR Leaders Recruiter Identification (April) Job Impact Analysis (May) User Testing (June – July) Training (July – Launch)

23 Talking Points & Status Updates
May focus: Transition to recruiters and recruiting services Developed monthly to keep seniors, GC members informed and equipped to talk with colleagues All available on project website: (see ”Project Resources” page Other communication resources you need? Let us know

24 Talent Acquisition @Iowa Attract Committee Charter
Charge Research, propose, and implement strategies and tools to attract faculty and staff and market the UI as employer of choice Deliverables Initiation: Research marketing and communication strategies and best practices in attracting faculty and staff Planning: Develop recommendations regarding marketing and communication strategies and best practices in attracting faculty and staff through community engagement and employer branding Implementation: Utilize the employer brand, develop community-focused events, and initiate marketing campaigns. Provide monthly updates to Governing Council regarding progress of initiative. Evaluation: Evaluate effectiveness of marketing and communication strategies. Reference Talent at Iowa Report and Recommendations Talent Acquisition Governance Council Presentation given on September 14, 2017 Infographic Committee Membership The Attract Committee will be chaired by Jan Waterhouse and is sponsored by the Human Resources Department. Committee members include: Amy Kirkey, Ruthina Malone, Amanda Petersen, Lisa Carmack, Alaina Hanson HR Administrative Liaison: Teresa Kulper Timeline: Ongoing to support the functional deliverables of the Taleo implementation as well as future talent acquisition initiatives post implementation. Develop comprehensive talent strategies: Meet the needs of a world-class research university and leading academic medical center with initiatives that attract top faculty and staff (e.g., central support for employer branding and advertising), enhance internal mobility (e.g., leadership development), and create new pipelines (e.g., encouraging students to explore UI jobs). (Talent acquisition, appendix 6)

25 Talent Acquisition @Iowa Engage Committee Charter
Charge Research, propose, and implement strategies and tools to engage and cultivate talent pipelines for the University of Iowa. Deliverables Initiation: Research pipelines, posting, career enhancement, and incentive strategies and best practices in engaging diverse potential faculty and staff. Planning: Develop recommendations regarding engagement strategies and best practices in cultivating talent pipelines to attract attention from potential candidates. Implementation: Leverage and expand pipelines, identify posting strategies, enhance diversity recruiting/retention, and develop incentive programs. Provide monthly updates to Governing Council regarding progress of initiative. Evaluation: Evaluate the effectiveness of engagement strategies. Reference Talent at Iowa Report and Recommendations Talent Acquisition Governance Council Presentation given on September 14, 2017 Infographic Committee Membership The Engage Committee will be co-chaired by Wanda Malden and Shamika Patterson and is sponsored by the Human Resources Department. Committee members include: Emily Kleinmeyer, Becky Rafferty, Sharon Beck, Wendy Loney, and Adam Potter Student participants: Don Braithwaite, Hannah Shrader HR Administrative Liaison: Cheryl Reardon Timeline: Ongoing to support the functional deliverables of the Taleo implementation as well as future talent acquisition initiatives post implementation. Mapping of Task Force Recommendation Develop comprehensive talent strategies: Meet the needs of a world-class research university and leading academic medical center with initiatives that attract top faculty and staff (e.g., central support for employer branding and advertising), enhance internal mobility (e.g., leadership development), and create new pipelines (e.g., encouraging students to explore UI jobs). (Talent acquisition, appendix 6)

26 Talent Acquisition @Iowa Recruit Committee Charter
Charge Research, propose, and implement strategies and tools to develop and train staff on modernized recruitment processes and steps for hiring at the University of Iowa. Deliverables Initiation: Create training and skill development opportunities identified through technical implementation of modernized recruitment processes and steps. Planning: Develop recommendations regarding training and skill development strategies and best practices in recruiting and hiring processes. Implementation: Train and develop skills of staff related to application, interview management, screening, and selection practices to hire top candidates into UI positions. Provide monthly updates to Governing Council regarding progress of initiative. Evaluation: Evaluate effectiveness of recruitment strategies. Reference Report and Recommendations Talent Acquisition Governance Council Presentation given on September 14, 2017 Infographic Committee Membership The Recruit Committee will be chaired by Keith Becker and is sponsored by the Human Resources Department. Committee members include: Talinda Pettigrew, Cathy Koebrick, Maeve Jackowski, Kate Banta, Kari Gates, Chris Annicella HR Administrative Liaison: Joni Troester Timeline: Ongoing to support the functional deliverables of the Taleo implementation as well as future talent acquisition initiatives post implementation. Mapping of Task Force Recommendation 15. Develop comprehensive talent strategies: Meet the needs of a world-class research university and leading academic medical center with initiatives that attract top faculty and staff (e.g., central support for employer branding and advertising), enhance internal mobility (e.g., leadership development), and create new pipelines (e.g., encouraging students to explore UI jobs). (Talent acquisition, appendix 6) O Implement a state-of-the-art talent management system: Plan, budget, and acquire tools that address emerging talent-management strategies, starting with talent acquisition. Address the full suite of talent management needs for varied constituencies in a time frame that respects those needs. 17. Expand diversity processes and tools: Promote best practices and recruitment resources, in part through training for search chairs, supervisors, administrators, and HR professionals. (Talent acquisition, appendix 6)

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