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And other minutia KD7ZWV (Jan)

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Presentation on theme: "And other minutia KD7ZWV (Jan)"— Presentation transcript:

1 And other minutia KD7ZWV (Jan)
HF (General) Bands And other minutia KD7ZWV (Jan)

2 What do we need to know? Review from last week Frequency Wavelength
Electromagnetic Radiation Modulation Signal Propagation Ionospheric Layers Bands Regulations

3 Frequency Measured in Hz (Hertz) kHz (1,000 Hz) MHz (1,000,000 Hz)
Cycles “per second” Examples

4 Wavelength Units: meters (or metres if you’re European)
Measured “trough to trough” or “crest to crest”

5 Calculating Frequency or Wavelength
Wavelength (m) / Time (s) = Speed of Light (300,000,000 m/s) Remember, Frequency is measured in Hz, or “per second” (1/s) Wavelength (m) x Frequency (Hz) = Speed of Light (300,000,000 m/s) Algebra Time! Wavelength = Speed of Light / Frequency or Frequency = Speed of Light / Wavelength λ “lambda” == wavelength (in meters) f frequency (in Hz) c speed of light (in m/s) c λ f

6 Electromagnetic Radiation

7 Modulation CW (continuous wave) Frequency Modulation
Amplitude Modulation Single Side Band (USB or LSB) Phone Data


9 Direct Station to Station Operation

10 Signal Propagation

11 “Ionospheric Bounce”

12 “Ionospheric Bounce”

13 Bands Low Frequency = 2200 m Medium Frequency = 630 m, 160 m
High Frequency = 80 m, 60 m, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, 10 m Very High Frequency = 6 m, 4 m, 2 m, 1.25 m, 70 cm, 33 cm, 23 cm, 13 cm

14 Low Frequency 2200 m 135.7 kHz to 137.8 kHz

15 160 m (Medium Frequency) 1.8 MHz to 2.0 MHz

16 80 m (High Frequency) 3.5 MHz to 4.0 MHz

17 60 m (High Frequency) 5 MHz Channels POWER RESTRICTION: 100 W PEP

18 40 m (High Frequency) 7.0 MHz to 7.3 MHz

19 30 m (High Frequency) 10.1 MHz to MHz

20 20 m (High Frequency) 14.0 MHz to MHz

21 17 m (High Frequency) MHz to MHz

22 15 m (High Frequency) 21.0 MHz to MHz

23 12 m (High Frequency) 24.89 MHz to MHz

24 10 m (High Frequency) 28 MHz to 29.7 MHz

25 6 m (Very High Frequency)
50 MHz to 54 MHz

26 Band Chart

27 Questions and References

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