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Using number to subtract two integers

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1 Using number to subtract two integers

2 Integers Recap Zero Negative integers Positive integers The numbers –1, –2, –3, … (to the left of zero) are called negative integers The numbers 1, 2, 3,… (to the right of zero) as positive integers. The new set of numbers …, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,… are called Integers. ‘–’ symbol in front of a number is read as 'negative' or 'minus'. For example, –5 is read as negative 5 or minus 5. A number without a sign is considered as a positive number. For example, 5 is considered as +5.

3 How to subtract integers on a number line ?
This will be similar to adding integers on a number line , but instead of adding, we will be subtracting. Place a circle on the number line to represent the first number in the problem . Since the operation is subtraction, the second number will tell you how far to move and which direction to move. If second number is positive, you should move to the left. If second number is negative, you should move to the Right. The number you end on is the answer.

4 Example 1 : Solve 5 - 3 using number line
Solution Step 1 : Start at 5 on the number line. Step 2 : Move three units to the left since 3 is positive. Step 3 : The number ends at 2 +3 Answer : = 2

5 Example 2 : Solve 6 - (-4) using number line
Solution Step 1 : Start at 6 on the number line. Step 2 : Move four Units to the Right , since 4 is negative. Step 3 : The number ends at 10 - 4 Answer: 6 - (-4) = 10

6 Example 3 : Solve -5 – (-5) using number line
Solution Step 1 : Start at - 5 on the number line. Step 2 : Move five Units to the right , since 5 is negative. Step 3 : The number ends at 0 - 5 Answer: ( -5) = 0

7 Try These Solve (9) - (4) using number line

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