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XFT2B: Plans and Tasks XFT Workshop FNAL 19 December 2003; p.1.

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1 XFT2B: Plans and Tasks XFT Workshop FNAL 19 December 2003; p.1

2 Types of Tasks Software Building “stuff” Testing Commissioning
Functional simulation (in C++) FPGA firmware Mapping software – turns databases into firmware Teststand software Building “stuff” Design and layout of prototypes Boards will be produced and stuffed externally Testing Can be done anywhere there is experience Will require good coordination if done by many groups Commissioning Done at FNAL Requires experts at teststand software XFT Workshop FNAL 19 December 2003; p.2

3 Overview of Simulation Tasks
Simulation studies that need to be done: With both current design and upgraded design What happens as a function of luminosity Trigger rates Resolution in pt and phi Similar question for COT hit efficiency effects What is the impact of each possible upgrade Finders+Linkers+Stereo Improved timing in finders Improved slope info used in Linkers Stereo only Finders only with improved timing Modification of upgrade simulation Have version for upgraded Linker+Finder (Needs to be validated) No version for Stereo, but addition should be straightforward XFT Workshop FNAL 19 December 2003; p.3

4 Simulation Tools Have two versions of the simulation
Full AC++ versions Produces XFFD, XFLD banks Runs in TrigMon and used in monitoring “ROOT” version Same code as AC++ version Run off of TopNtuple (which also has tracking info: hits, tracks, etc) Can use COTD bank as input or Mezzanine card data as input Output is convenient for ROOT analysis Most convenient is ROOT version Can easily change number of misses, road files, etc Can modify XFT simulation to see impact of proposed changes Adding stereo here should be straightforward XFT Workshop FNAL 19 December 2003; p.4

5 Other Simulation Tasks
Will leading edge info help? Can this be done with 6 time bins defined like present system? Or does new TDC need to identify these? Do we want even finer (better than 6) time bins? This impacts data transfer from XTC to Finders Limit is 22nsec safely, and this limits us to 6 time bins XFT Workshop FNAL 19 December 2003; p.5

6 FPGA FPGA Firmware development
Implementing new design in FPGA Altera VS Xilinx vs ??? Does it fit? Is it fast enough? How difficult (hand layout) How expensive? Testing in actual chip. Previous experience was that chip simulation matched real chip behavior well Is this true for new devices/simulations We have a baseline for both upgraded Finder and Linker algorithms Have started on Linker and Finder implementation XFT Workshop FNAL 19 December 2003; p.6

7 Test Stands Test Stand: Setup of Test Stand Software
Can bring up stands we used for current device We found this was somewhat challenging. We need a test stand at FNAL More test stands at other institutions would be fine “Building” boards at one institution, the testing other places would definitely work Software Basic talking to board Use current version Specific tests for checkout Dependent on setup of final boards XFT Workshop FNAL 19 December 2003; p.7

8 Other Stuff Stereo System Tester boards
Simulation works needs to be complete before anything else! Tester boards Feeding/capturing data to/from new finder? Feeding/capturing data to/from new linker? XFT Workshop FNAL 19 December 2003; p.8

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