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Criminology – Taster Day

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1 Criminology – Taster Day
True or False The most the executions of 2018 took place in Iran. There were 690 reported executions in 20 countries in 2018. The last person executed by guillotine in France was in 1913. Since 1997 Belarus is the only European country to have carried out an execution. In 1964 was the last year someone was executed in the UK. 50 people have been exonerated in the USA since the death penalty’s return in 1976. False, China remains the world’s leading executioner. True , although this figure excludes the maybe thousands killed in China as this is unknown as it is classified as state secrets. False, the last person executed by guillotine was in 1977. True , At least four executions were recorded in Belarus in 2018. True, On 13 August 1964, Peter Allen and Gwynne Evans became the last people to be hanged in Britain. They had murdered a taxi driver. False, that more than 150 people have been exonerated, a 2014 report by the National Academy of Sciences estimated that 1 in every 25 people given a death sentence are in fact innocent.

2 Criminology – Taster Day
Course outline Unit 1 – Changing awareness of crime Crime reports and the public perception of crime Campaigning for change relating to crime Unit 2 – Criminological theories What causes people to commit crime? How policy changes with regard to criminological theory Unit 3 – Crime scene to court room What is the process of criminal investigations? How are criminals prosecuted in the UK? Unit 4 – Crime and punishment What is the criminal justice system? How is social control achieved?

3 Criminology Assessments Y12 Unit 1 – Internal assessment
This includes completing a controlled assessment. These are 8 hour assessments that take place in class where you will work towards a ‘brief’ which is information (but not instructions) for the assessment. You will be able to see this before your assessment takes place. Unit 2 – External assessment This will be assessed in an exam in the summer of Y12. It will mostly cover information from Unit 2 but will also include some content from Unit 1. The exam lasts 90 minutes and will have a range of questions from 2-8 marks, divided into 3 main questions with smaller sub-questions.

4 What crimes and punishments can you think of?
Criminology What crimes and punishments can you think of? Crimes Punishments

5 What crimes and punishments can you think of?
Criminology What crimes and punishments can you think of? Crimes Punishments Burglary Robbery Assault Murder Drunk driving Sexual assault Drug offences Terrorism Fine Prison sentence Community service ASBO Curfew Death penalty

6 Do you think the death penalty is an acceptable form of punishment?
Criminology Do you think the death penalty is an acceptable form of punishment? Write your name on a post-it note and put it on the corresponding side of the whiteboard. Make sure you have a reason for your thoughts. YES NO

7 Case Study: Derek Bentley
Task: You are to hear the details of the case of Derek Bentley to come to verdict on what he should be sentenced and was the death penalty the justified choice. It’s 1953 and the death penalty is legal within Britain.

8 Case Study: Derek Bentley
Derek (19) is accused of the murder of a police officer in the course of a burglary attempt along with his friend Christopher Craig(16). Bentley was armed with a knife and a knuckle-duster. Craig had a similar knife but was also armed with a .455 Eley revolver. After being spotted attempting the burglary, DC Fairfax was sent to the scene. Craig shot repeatedly at Fairfax wounding him in the shoulder. At some time during the shooting, Bentley is alleged to have said the now famous words "Let him have it, Chris“

9 Case Study: Derek Bentley
Bentley offered no resistance to Fairfax and stood by the injured policeman without any restraint for the next 30 minutes or so. Other officers arrived on the scene. Craig continued shooting at anyone that moved and as PC Sidney Miles came up the stairs and through the door onto the roof, he was shot through the head and died almost instantly. Craig eventually ran out of bullets and threw himself off the roof to avoid capture. He landed on a greenhouse roof 30 feet below and broke his back.

10 Case Study: Derek Bentley
Bentley and Craig were both charged with murder. At that time murder was a capital offence in England and Wales but minors under 18 could not be sentenced to death, so only Bentley would face the death penalty. In under 75 minutes, the jury found both Craig and Bentley guilty of Miles's murder. They did add a plea for mercy for Bentley as Bentley was sentenced to death. Craig was ordered to be detained at Her Majesty's Pleasure and was released in May 1963 (after serving 10 years) and became a plumber.

11 Initial thoughts

12 Things to consider: Bentley had the mental age of a 10 year old and the reading age of a 4 year old He volunteered for the army but was rejected due to being ‘mentally substandard’ Today the age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10 years old. This means that children under 10 can’t be arrested or charged with a crime. Today in criminal law, diminished responsibility (or diminished capacity) is a potential defence by which defendants argue that although they broke the law, they should not be held fully criminally liable for doing so, as their mental functions were "diminished" or impaired.

13 Case Study: Derek Bentley
In 1998, a review of the case found that Derek Bentley should never have been convicted of murder The evidence used by the police was deemed insufficient and the judge had put pressure on the jury to Convict Bentley. Bentley was officially pardoned However, this could not bring Derek Bentley back, who was executed aged 19 on 28th January 1953. Many believed that this trial was a miscarriage of justice and it made the capital punishment law look cruel and immoral.

14 What are the rights and wrongs of the death penalty?
Death penalty provides insufficient retribution Closure for victims' families Eye for a Eye Cases of injustice They forfeit their right when they take a life Reform and Rehabilitation Inhumane Two different videos: Longer video (10.44) Modern case studies and debate Shorter Video (1.32) Pros and cons of the Death penalty Reading: They may reoffend Life imprisonment is punishment enough Deter would-be murderers

15 Debate: Do you think the death penalty is an acceptable punishment?
Challenge : What other punishments do you think would work as an alternative?

16 Criminology Do you think the death penalty is an acceptable form of punishment? Write your name on a post-it note and put it on the corresponding side of the whiteboard. Make sure you have a reason for your thoughts. YES NO What other punishments could be an alternative to this?

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