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Fall of the Roman Empire Unit 1, SSWH 3 e p

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1 Fall of the Roman Empire Unit 1, SSWH 3 e p. 173 -179

2 SSWH 3 e Analyze the factors that led to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.

3 Why are modern societies based on the achievements of the Romans and the Greeks?

4 Factors of the Collapse
Economy Weak: slavery down, disrupted trade, lack of resources, high taxes, & inflation Military: Less disciplined & loyal, hired mercenaries Politics: didn’t care about the empire, lack of patriotism

5 Roman Empire Divided Diocletian, emperor, can’t rule the massive empire by himself Divides empire to make ruling more efficient Socially: East: wealthy Greek (Byzantium) West: poor Latin/Roman

6 Western Empire Collapses
Germanic tribes pushed into Roman lands to flee the attack from Mongolian Huns Military wasn’t strong nor loyal enough to defend attacks

7 Prepare to share in one minute
The Walls Came Tumbling Down The Roman Empire fell because… Jot 4 reasons Prepare to share in one minute

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