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The Key Pillars of Success in Becoming a Customer Centered Intelligent Enterprise in the Experience Economy Wonderful to be here today Work in Customer.

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Presentation on theme: "The Key Pillars of Success in Becoming a Customer Centered Intelligent Enterprise in the Experience Economy Wonderful to be here today Work in Customer."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Key Pillars of Success in Becoming a Customer Centered Intelligent Enterprise in the Experience Economy Wonderful to be here today Work in Customer Experience and AI, working with major brands on AI and intelligent Personalisation Talk about key pillars we have seen in how enterprises can become truly customer centric and intlligent Damn that’s quite a lot of buzzwords, but the whole point of this is to decrease cost to serve your customer, improve your customer service or sell more stuff

2 Customer Centered Intelligent Enterprise
Pillars of Success So what are these pillars? Customer = employee Culture Customer Systems Data Solutions Customer Channels Operational Back-End Systems

3 Culture of Innovation Make it simple Appetite for New Tech
Permission to Experiment Idea to Reality Culture of Innovation Enterprise Topple Rate Rate is increasing! How many of you remember these names? Compaq, Worldcom, Enron, Pan Am 1958 average lifespan was 61 years Today it is 18 years and declining New society and community expectations on business Regulatory response - Energy and Banking example Millennials and Gen Z now 2/3rds of population entering most valuable part their life cycle I being a typicall genz/millennial, hate calling, why im so passionate about the work I do, Digital and Personalisation table stakes Enterprise Topple Rate – don’t keep reinventing and innovating to remain relevant they will disappear

4 Who is Your Customer? Jobs To Be Done? Outcomes not Products
End Customer or Employee Who is Your Customer? CRM is not enough, funnel, stalk and track customers Energy Example, meter not customer Jobs to be Done – end to end outcome, home loan example Millenials/Gen Z – going towards smaller challengers with better customer experience Make life easier for you employees, acts of heroism

5 Data Lakes versus Swamps Intelligent Customer Centered Access Trust
Lets talk a little bit about data, every customer we talk with says we have a Data lake, call them swamps They all have a lot of data, but the question you need to ask is is it accessible, is it being intelligently used New customer centred data structures emerging – orchestration across data silos Intelligent, allow you to quickly get to a segment of one Creating moments of mutual value, trust to share more about themselves, trust Energy companies and Banks, learn more about your customer Bidirectional information sharing, learn what they want to do next, push/pull model

6 Back-End Systems Good News! Leverage your Investment
There is good news! You’ve all invested in back end systems, SAP/Oracle etc. These systems are incredibly important, the run your business and if they stopped, so would your business They also contain a huge amount of useful data,

7 + Intelligent Personal Data
Operational Data + Experience Data + Intelligent Personal Data If you watched Bills Keynote at Sapphire, you will be familiar with this Power of data and systems Operational data – industry specific information Experience data – is your customer pissed off or happy with you Energy Example – operational systems drive pricing, billing etc, experience data – how is your customer service – Intelligent personal customer centred data – Home, remember home, orchestrate across ecosystems, reduce 30 min call to 30 second online interaction

8 Solutions Not Tools Fast Agile Partner/Buy cleverly Outcome Focused
Topple rate need to be fast – what business are you in? Are you a technology company? Or are you a retailer, a bank or an energy company What should you build and where should you partner Particularly see this in AI, AI isn’t easy, yes there are tools but those that are partnering are moving faster than those who want to build everything themselves Ecosystem opportunities, don’t just reinvent the same journey, open banking, data sharing standards, threat/opportunity Look for ways you can lift up the value chain – moving in a new home, extract economic rents

9 What About AI? ML/DML Chatbots NLP/Voice/Vision
Intelligent Personalization Intelligent Automation What About AI? Talk a little bit about AI as examples of new solutions – like to think of design principles of AI in a human way Talk about AI categories Way I talk with my family different to way I interact with colleagues No human would be able to exist just doing one of these things New category Hybrid AI, AI solutions that combined multiple types of AI as complete solutions Intelligent Proactivity prompt behavioral change – citizens more engaged with learning, ongoing investment in themselves and their skills

10 Customer Centered Intelligent Enterprise
Pillars of Success So I’ve been rabbiting on for a while now, bringing us back the underpinning principle of this talk It’s the companies that get these 5 pillars right that are growing and winning Culture Customer Systems Data Solutions Customer Channels Operational Back-End Systems

11 What Does Success Look Like?
Customer Utility of Data Segment of One Decreased Cost to Serve Personalized Experiences Increased Sales Greater Marketing Efficiency Reduced Churn New Revenue Opportunities What Does Success Look Like? So what is the point of doing all of this and if you are successful what does that mean? Media example Retail example Energy example Home loan example Visit stand, questions and live demo examples of what I have been talking about

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