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GridLAB-D Workshop: Electrification Study

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1 GridLAB-D Workshop: Electrification Study
Alyona Ivanova (SLAC) CEC Advanced Simulation Program 5 September 2019 This presentation was prepared with funding from the California Energy Commission under grant EPC SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is operated for the US Department of Energy by Stanford University under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515

2 California Electrification Study
Objective Estimate feeder loading impact Methodology Simulate homes before and after upgrades Compute feeder load before and after upgrades Approach Use GridLAB-D to model a simplified 1MW feeder with 99 homes Evaluate impacts at various levels of electrification

3 Electrification study customizable parameters
Location: San Jose CA Day: Winter peak (Jan 20) Weather: TMY3 Base case: 40% electric heat, hotwater, cooking, drying Study cases: 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100% electrification of all enduses Objective: Impact of the feeder load

4 Methodology GridLAB-D Version: 4.2.0-190828
Model structure: 99 homes + 99 residential meters + feeder Residential model: ETP Enduse loadshapes: EIA 2015 Home thermal integrity 100% electric: Good Gas enduses: Above normal Electrified enduses: Very good Simulation timestep: Variable

5 Home Thermal Integrity
Normal Above normal Good Very good Roof R-value 30 48 Wall R-value 11 19 22 Floor R-value Door R-value 3 5 Window R-value 1.7 2.1 3.2 Ventilation rate 1.0 0.5

6 Overview of how to run the study
Login to your GitHub account Create your electrification study project by cloning the template project Modify the study parameters, e.g., Change the city Change the study day Change the study cases Login to CircleCI Setup your new project Download the results Feeder winter-peak load Feeder time series data of the power profiles for each simulation case

7 Repository location : aivanova5/electrification_study

8 Getting started with electrification study

9 Fork the repository

10 If already signed in...


12 First Run!


14 Check on the progress...

15 Success!

16 Look at and download the output (Artifacts)

17 Output plots Raw data

18 Time series plots of substation feeder

19 Percent electrification vs Max power on substation feeder

20 Customizing your simulation
Back to GitHub...

21 Locate the fork of `electrification_study` repository

22 2. Find the configuration file: config/simulation_configuration.csv


24 3. Edit the ‘simulation_configuration.csv’ file

25 simulation_configuration.csv Total Number of Houses per Phase
3 phase circuit (total houses simulated = 3x total number of houses per phase) Start and Stop time of the simulation Weather file All available locations can be found in “data/” folder

26 simulation_configuration.csv Simulation runs:
Define the baseline electrification. The additional runs will use the baseline value to calculate the number of homes upgrades versus vintage. Once baseline is defined, list the run names and percent of homes of total number of houses per phase that are electric Model name is customizable (Except for “Baseline Run”) Number of runs can be reduced and increased by removal or addition of “Run” Lines

27 Commit the change Edit directly in this window Describe the change
Clicking commit will trigger simulation in CircleCI

28 Check the progress of the new simulation (

29 Troubleshooting

30 Updating your fork with changes made to aivanova5/electrification_study
If patches have been issued to the model they will appear in the original source (aivanova5/electrification_study) To absorb those changes, the source code has to be sync’d with your fork

31 Go to your forked repository




35 Review changes

36 Check that the updates appear in the code

37 This will trigger another CircleCI build


39 If there was a problem with CircleCI Run
You can trigger another build with the same configuration by re-building from within CircleCI


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