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Welcome to Year 2! Miss Tweddell– 2T Class Teacher

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2! Miss Tweddell– 2T Class Teacher"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2! Miss Tweddell– 2T Class Teacher
Mrs Stratford- 2T Teaching assistant Miss Hughes– 2H Class Teacher Mrs Brown- 2H Teaching assistant

2 Topics: Autumn 1: By Royal Appointment Autumn 2: Step Back in Time Spring 1 : Titanic Spring 2: Let’s Go On Safari Summer 1: Who are the heroes? Summer 2: Let’s Make a Meal of it !

3 Literacy: Autumn 1: Instructions Poetry - Calligrams Traditional Tales
Spring 2: Reports about safari animals Stories with recurring literary language Summer 1: Take one book Narrative Summer 2: Explanations Poetry Autumn 1: Instructions Poetry - Calligrams Traditional Tales Autumn 2: Recount- The Great Fire of London Poetry Narrative- The plague Spring 1 : Narrative Recount

4 Maths: Key Skills Knowledge of number 0-100.
Number bonds to 10 and 20. Times tables 2,5,10 and 3 Odd and even numbers Doubles and halves Partition two digit numbers into different combinations. Add as subtract any two digit numbers Identify ¼,1/2, ¾, 2/4 and 1/3 of a shape or number Use different coins to make the same amount. Read the time on a clock to the nearest 5 minutes. Name and describe the properties of 2D and 3D shapes.

5 PE Autumn 1 – Dance – indoor kit Autumn 2 – Dance – indoor kit Spring 1 – Gymnastics– indoor kit Spring 2 – Gymnastics– outdoor kit Summer 1– Games- Hockey – outdoor kit Summer 2– Athletics – outdoor kit + Sports day – children will need a coloured top to represent their house team. At the end of each half term, children will bring their kits home to be washed.

6 PSHE Autumn 1 – Being me in my world Autumn 2 – Celebrating difference Spring 1 – Dreams and goals Spring 2 – Healthy me Summer 1 – Relationships Summer 2 – Changing me

7 Computing Autumn term – Lego We do Spring term – Scratch Summer term – KS1 computer programming

8 RE Autumn 1 – Christianity Autumn 2 – Islam Spring 1 – Christianity Spring 2 – Islam Summer 1 – Christianity Summer 2 – Islam Human Responsibility & Values Justice & Fairness Sources of Wisdom Symbols & Actions Prayer, worship & reflection Ultimate Questions Identifying & Belonging Beliefs & Practices

9 Reading: Reading records should be handed in every day.
At home, children should be encouraged to read or share a book daily. The reading record must be signed three times per week. Entries in reading records do not have to be school books – any reading can be recorded. Please write in the reading record if your child has completed their book so we know to change it. Writing a page number is useful too. If possible, please write a comment which could include which words the children have found difficult; this will help us know to know what to practise. Children should read each book once and only read a book again if you feel they have struggled. We want the children to enjoy reading. Always speak to the class teacher if the children are not enjoying their books; we can always try to find something to encourage a love of reading.

10 Times tables: By the end of year 2, your child should know and be able to recall their 2,5,10 and 3 times tables. This should include both multiplication and division facts. Times tables will be taught, practised and tested in school however, the more they are practised at home the more fluent children will become. Times tables feature heavily as part of the end of KS1 assessment (SATS) Times tables at home- Hit the Button, recalling facts whilst passing a ball, flashcards and labels/ questions around the home.

11 School uniform Black school shoes- Children will not be expected to change their shoes when they come into school. Shoulder length hair should always be up Please name everything! Trainers for outdoor PE Plimsolls or trainers for indoor PE.

12 Seesaw A fantastic tool to show your child’s learning
Parent comments / likes Code of conduct Important messages Communication from the teacher

13 Homework Handed in each Wednesday
One homework task from the left grid and that week’s homework from the right hand side Any spellings should be written into books. Spellings could be tested at any time. Children are expected to correctly spell their spellings in their books. Times tables should be written out into homework books in full (1 x 3 = 3) Homework will be checked and acknowledged by an adult Presentation of homework is as important as in their school books. If work is untidy, children are asked to do it again. Homework should be completed in pencil until they get their pen license in Year 3.

14 Communication Majority of communications will be paperless
It is essential that we have up-to-date addresses and telephone numbers Please ensure you download the app which accompanies the school website Where permission slips are required, we are still working this out. If you have a printer, you can download letters, print and return. Letters & communications may also be made available on SeeSaw

15 Coming into class Outside door will open at 8.40am (important to be on time) Children will enter through the outside doors. Please note: Parents are not permitted entry If parents need to communicate with the teacher, either request an appointment at the office, write in the reading record or meet at the end of the day. Door to the class closes at 8.50am – children who arrive after this time will need to go to the late door (2H entry) Children being collected from 2H need to have an adult outside the door and not in the car park or behind the gate in order to keep the children safe. Morning tasks – a chance to consolidate, revisit and wake up! (important to arrive on time as a lot of learning happens at this time) Children will leave from the outside doors.

16 Preparing for Year 2 September – Royal Banquet - £2
October -Harvest festival and class presentation November – Fire Engine – Free December- Christmas fete December- Nativity , Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner January- Titanic workshop March- World book day – Dressing up as favourite book character June/July- Paradise Wildlife Park £20 July- Warburton's bread making- free Summer term- Cooking £3


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