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English 3 Mr. Tovo.

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Presentation on theme: "English 3 Mr. Tovo."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 3 Mr. Tovo

2 About me USF graduate New to Miami (Homestead) from Tampa
Year 1 as a Doral Academy Firebird Experience teaching 9th, 10th, 12th grade English

3 Classroom Rules Respect everyone at all times
Mind your own business, body, and behavior You are responsible for all of your actions Bring all materials daily

4 Procedures Students entering the classroom will place their phones in the cell phone station and begin Bell Work (on the board) Homework is due when called for Make-up work will only be given for an excused absence Late work will not be accepted

5 Online Postings Waiting for classes to be made
Homework/updates posted on Mr. Tovo’s Homework and Announcements pages

6 Curriculum/Department
All English students will pay a $5 department fee (online) Students who lose their studysync textbook will need to pay a $20 replacement fee

7 Class Texts The Crucible, The Great Gatsby, The Old Man and the Sea, A Raisin in the Sun

8 Class Grades Test/Essays – 40% Projects - 30% Quizzes - 20%
HW/CW - 10%

9 Contact Information Student name and class period in Subject line

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