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A&M Consolidated FFA Animal Projects

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1 A&M Consolidated FFA Animal Projects
Cattle, Swine, Broilers, Turkeys, Rabbits, Sheep, and Goats

2 Cattle (Steers and Heifers)
Most expensive and labor intensive Approximately 500 pounds when purchased Can be purchased by the student with help from the teachers Require two feedings per day as well as bathing and exercising Weight checked weekly Purchase cost $800+ Maintenance cost (feed, hay, hoof trims, shots, supplements, entries, tags, tack, etc.)$1,100+ Profit (steers only) if you make the sale at a major livestock show you will receive anywhere from $2,000+

3 Cattle (Steers and Heifers)
If you do not make the sale (steers only), you will receive floor price (price per pound depending on market value) Require a 10’ X 16’ dry pen Purchase Dates: All steers must be purchased before June to be able to show at all livestock shows Heifers may be purchased at any time before November 1 (Heifers) ALL PAPER WORK MUST BE COMPLETED BY NOVEMBER 1 (paper transfers)

4 Swine (Barrows and Gilts)
30-50 lbs. when purchased Show between lbs. Eat pelleted and medicated feed only Need covered dry pen with access to fresh air Bedding must be sand or shavings Purchase cost $500 Maintenance cost (feed, shots, supplements, entries, tags, tack, etc.)$500+

5 Swine (Barrows and Gilts)
Can be purchased by the student with help from the teachers Require minutes +per day exercise Two feedings per day Pen size 6’ X 10’ Profit if you make the sale at a major livestock show you will receive anywhere from $700+ If you do not make the sale, you will receive floor price (price per pound depending on market value) BCYLS Swine will be purchased by Thanksgiving, all other swine will be purchased according to tag-in dates

6 Sheep and Goats Pen should be 8’ X 8’, predator proof and have sand or shavings for bedding Must be exercised minutes per day Two feedings per day Purchase Cost $500+ Maintenance cost (feed, shots, supplements, entries, tags, tack, etc.)$500+ Profit if you make the sale at a major livestock show you will receive anywhere from $500+ If you do not make the sale, you will receive floor price (price per pound depending on market value) Animals must be purchased according to tag-in dates (Fall for all shows except State Fair). Ewes must have breeders state premises tag

7 Market Broilers Received at 1 day old
Min. order of 25 birds, come in increments of 25 Show a pen of 3 with one alternate Raise them for 6-8 weeks Full feed at all times Heat lamps required Min. 2 square feet per bird

8 Market Broilers Purchase cost $1.50/bird
Maintenance cost (feed, supplements, entries, supplies, etc.)$300+ Shavings must be turned once per day Birds must be exercised many times throughout the day Must have adequate ventilation Profit if you make the sale at a major livestock show you will receive anywhere from $500+ for a pen of 3 only

9 Turkeys Similar to broilers Min. 8 square feet per bird
Min. order of 5 Eat more then Market Broilers Only show one Maintenance cost (feed, supplements, entries, supplies, etc.)$300+

10 Rabbits Raise breeders and show their offspring
Separate cage for each rabbit Must be meat type Need extra cages Purchase cost $ per rabbit, must show a pen of 3, wise to also have at least 2 alternate rabbits Maintenance cost $200+ (feed, supplements, entries, supplies, etc.)$300+ Show a pen of three

11 These are all projects for the students to raise, not the teacher or the parents/legal guardian. Teachers will supervise the students who choose to raise the projects. Anytime the student has a question about their project they should feel free to seek an answer from the advisors. These projects are designed to increase the student’s knowledge of agriculture production and allow them to demonstrate all the different skills that are learned when raising a project. Students are encouraged to further research the specie before making a decision with the help of the advisor and parent/legal guardian. 

12 All projects require the students to keep financial records in their record book. Which will allow them to work towards FFA Degrees

13 Feel free to contact the advisors at any time with your questions:
Ms. Mrs. Mr.

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