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Orientation Day 4th September, 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Orientation Day 4th September, 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orientation Day 4th September, 2019

2 Who will you work with? (units, contacts)
Central International Office (main campus, villa 2) Registration (till 27th September, appointment reg. till 18th September) Visa, Scholarship related questions, requests Certificate of Student Status for Migration Office Departmental administration (room 206, Certificate of Student Status Transcript of records Credit transfer Everyday study matters Instructors of Department of Engineering Management and Enterprise (2nd floor) Subject (or thesis) related questions, credit transfer

3 Main Sources of Information: Faculty website
Usefull information for your study ( Subpage „Engineering Management MSc” ( Bulletin ( ulletin_2019_teljes.pdf) + Neptun (

4 What do you have to complete during your studies?
120 credits according to the curriculum Internship (4 weeks) 1 semester Physical Education Work and Fire Safety course Eventuell pre-master courses

5 How to start your first semester?
Registration in the Central International Office (in person) Neptun system (activation, select training program, select semester, select curriculum) Credit transfer

6 How do you complete a course?
Register to the course in the neptun system (lecture, seminar) Check the course description (requirements for signature, for grade, tests, tasks, ATTENDANCE!) E-learning system Instructions of the professor Keep deadlines!

7 For Scholarship Holders
Average of completed credits in two active semester at least 18! During the study and exam period you should be in Hungary! You are not allowed to work more than 24 hours a week! Extensions should be required by Tempus. Send your bank account number to Ms. Lilla Fónai (Central International Office) Erasmus mobility is not available. Operational Regulations During office hours or in ; clear formulated with name and eventuel neptun code

8 Extras Office 365 free download Libary
Student compatitions, Conference of Scientific Students' Association Field trips Competence Test - B5PS (Big Five Inventory of Personality in Occupational Situations) and AVEM (Work-related Behaviour and Experience Patterns) Student’s Union Mentor program TEDx in Debrecen Night of Thousand Lights

9 Thank you for your kind attention!
Please, don’t forget to submit your registration form!

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