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English Daily Mile Maths Topic Character Curriculum P.E Computing STEM

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1 English Daily Mile Maths Topic Character Curriculum P.E Computing STEM
The half term starts with the children completing their non-chronological reports on Deserts. The year ends with a fiction book called ‘The Egg’ by M. F. Robinson. The children will learn a range of grammar skills through writing an engaging letter. Daily Mile The children will be physically active (run, jog or walk) for 15 mins a day. Maths The half term starts with the children learning about the properties of shape. The children will learn about angles, parallel and perpendicular lines and will recognise and describe 2D and 3D shapes. The next unit covers mass and capacity where the children will compare, measure and calculate mass and capacity. Topic The children will continue to learn about deserts this half term as it links to their work in English lessons. As part of this, we will learn the definition of a desert, understand the ways they are formed, locate major deserts around the World, know the weather and conditions of deserts and the ways in which they are used by humans. Character Curriculum This term we will be exploring the virtues of Self-Discipline, Gratitude and Honesty. The children will learn what self-discipline looks like in school, thanking visitors that come to our school and only telling stories that we know are true. Year 3 – Summer 2 Topic: Deserts Big Question: What can survive in a desert? Wow Start: Rabbi Visit Fantastic finish: Design a Dragon P.E The children will be focusing on the ‘Health and Safety cog’ in RealPE where they will learn how to keep their bodies heathy. The other hour of PE will focus on developing the children’s athletic skills ready for sports day. PE Days (for both Attenborough & Potter): Monday- Swimming and Sports Day practise Wednesday– REAL PE Computing The children will be learning about how to make branching databases and how to touch type. STEM This half term the children will be learning about light. The children will explore reflective materials, mirrors, sun safety and shadows. Religious Education In RE lessons, the children will be learning about Judaism. They will be exploring the question: What are the important times for Jews?

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