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The RCOG Training ePortfolio

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1 The RCOG Training ePortfolio
MTI Induction 2 September 2019 Alex Baker RCOG ePortfolio Manager

2 RCOG Training ePortfolio: An introduction
New RCOG Training ePortfolio platform launched in May 2019 It delivers a revised RCOG Core Curriculum, also launched in May Still in development, but all necessary resources will be live by 31 October Access available through Trainees’ Register subscription or College membership (MRCOG) UK Associates can access for an additional charge of £33

3 RCOG Trainees’ Register: How to join
The application is available on the RCOG website (under “Careers & training” > “Trainee enrolment and registration”) Once submitted, the applicant is ed instructions on how to pay online Following payment, they will receive an automated confirmation receipt

4 RCOG Trainees’ Register: Annual fee
Doctors working in the UK (requiring ePortfolio access) - £140.00

5 RCOG Trainees’ Register: Benefits
RCOG Training ePortfolio access Access to 97 Core Training eTutorials of RCOG eLearning 70% discount on the Electronic Fetal Monitoring resource (eFM) Quarterly mailing of and online access to The Obstetrician and Gynaecologist (TOG) RCOG Training News e-newsletter ( ed three times a year) 20% discount on all Cambridge University Press Academic titles O&G News e-newsletter ( ed monthly) O&G magazine (mailed three times a year) Reduced subscription to BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

6 RCOG Training ePortfolio: Layout/functionality
Main usage falls into the below areas: Completing assessments Entering reflection and logs Entering Supervisor meetings Uploading other evidence Assigning evidence to the Curriculum

7 RCOG Training ePortfolio
Access - Help and guidance - curriculum-2019-training-resource/training- eportfolio/training-eportfolio Support –

8 Training ePortfolio Demonstration
MTI Induction 2 September 2019 Alex Baker RCOG ePortfolio Manager

9 RCOG ePortfolio Manager
Q&A MTI Induction 2 September 2019 Alex Baker RCOG ePortfolio Manager

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