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Jeremy Wall European Commission, DG Growth

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1 Forest Statistics & Accounting WG 26/02/2015: The work of DG GROWTH on Forest-based Industries
Jeremy Wall European Commission, DG Growth Unit-G4 «Raw Materials, Metals, Minerals and Forest-based Industries»

2 Work of unit GROW/G-4 (Raw Materials and F-BI):
Raw Materials Initiative State-of-play Focus on: Critical raw materials 2. European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials Strategic Implementation Plan 3. Raw Materials in Horizon 2020 4. Knowledge & Innovation Community for Raw Materials 5. Raw Materials Diplomacy RMI Commission Communication of 4 November 2008 "The raw materials initiative – meeting our critical needs for growth and jobs in Europe" RMI 2011 – Commission Communication of 2 February 2011 "Tackling the challenges in commodity markets and on raw materials" 2 2

3 Overall objective: Specific objectives:
European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials Overall objective: Contribute to the 2020 objectives of the EU Industrial Policy (to increase the share of industry in GDP to 20%), the Innovation Union and the Resource Efficiency 'flagships' Specific objectives: Reduce import dependency for raw materials Improve supply conditions from European and other sources Push Europe to the forefront in raw materials sectors Provide alternatives in supply Mitigate negative environmental and social impacts NB raw materials include metals, minerals & WOOD … by ensuring sustainable supply of raw materials to European economy and society

4 Strategic Implementation Plan
I. Technology Pillar I.A Raw materials research and innovation coordination I.B Technologies for primary and secondary raw materials' production I.C Substitution of raw materials II. Non-Technology Policy Pillar II.A Improving Europe's raw materials framework conditions II.B Improving Europe's waste management framework conditions and excellence II.C Knowledge, skills and raw materials flows III International Cooperation Pillar III.1 Technology III.2 Global Raw Materials Governance and Dialogues III.3 Health, Safety and Environment III.4 Skills, Education and Knowledge III.5 Investment activities Bottom-up approach! Technology-focused policy areas WP1 - Exploration, extraction, processing, recycling … WP2 - Substitution, alternative functionalities and materials Non Technology policy areas WP3 - Improving Europe's raw materials regulatory framework conditions, knowledge base and infrastructure e.g. data interoperability and availability WP4 - Improving Europe's recycling regulatory framework conditions and excellence e.g. public procurement, private initiatives WP5 - International cooperation Promoting appropriate international cooperation various policy issues possible e.g. geology, research, trade, competitiveness and investment conditions

5 Blueprint: Scope Blueprint for EU Forest-based industries 2013
(Document: SWD (2013) 343) Accompanying "new EU Forest Strategy" Contributes to EU Industrial Policy Covers four industries: woodworking furniture pulp & paper manufacturing and converting printing Representing: about 7% of EU manufacturing GDP nearly 3.5 million jobs Background note: The previous strategy for F-BI, adopted in 2008 (Commission Communication), covered only 3 industries: woodworking, paper & printing. Now, the 2013 Strategy covers 4 industries – furniture was added. The EU Forest-based Industries (F-BI) include woodworking, furniture, pulp & paper manufacturing and converting and printing industries. They represent in total about 7% of EU manufacturing GDP and nearly 3.5 million jobs. They all use common raw material – wood, which is a natural, renewable, reusable and recyclable raw material, creating an opportunity for the F-BI to become a key actor in the bio-based economy. 5

6 Blueprint Key figures F-BI sub-sector/ Parameter Woodworking (WWI)
Furniture Pulp & paper manufacturing & converting (P&P) Printing Total N° firms 21 000 N° jobs Production value (M€) 92 000 85 535 Turnover (M€) 96 000 88 009 Added value (M€) Concentration 31 200 Few large sawmills & panel makers, otherwise SMEs & micro firms 30 000 Few large firms; mostly SMEs & micro firms 41 000 Many lage firms, including “mega” muktinationals, some medium- sized; small firms are specialists. 32 477 Few large firms; mostly SMEs and micros. Background note: The previous strategy for F-BI, adopted in 2008 (Commission Communication), covered only 3 industries: woodworking, paper & printing. Now, the 2013 Strategy covers 4 industries – furniture was added. The EU Forest-based Industries (F-BI) include woodworking, furniture, pulp & paper manufacturing and converting and printing industries. They represent in total about 7% of EU manufacturing GDP and nearly 3.5 million jobs. They all use common raw material – wood, which is a natural, renewable, reusable and recyclable raw material, creating an opportunity for the F-BI to become a key actor in the bio-based economy. 6

7 Blueprint: Structure:
Blueprint for the EU Forest-based Industries Content: Sectoral economic outlook Sectoral technological outlook Focus on sub-sectors: Key features Challenges Opportunities Challenges and remedial initiatives 7

8 Blueprint: Scope Challenges: for which remedial initiatives:
stimulating growth - resource and energy efficiency - raw materials sources and flows logistics (wood harvesting, infrastructures & transport) structural adaptation innovation; research & development education, training & skills; ageing workforce Coherence & costs of EU legislation EU climate policy from 2030 international competition, trade & co-operation Information, communication & image 8

9 Implementing the Forest-based industries Blueprint
:- study on customer information for furniture - European Innovation Partnership on Materials, including wood: call for commitments, e.g. wood mobilisation - set up EU Expert Group on Forest-based Industries - Standing Forestry Committee Working Group on criteria & indicators for sustainable forest management 2015: - study on cascading use of wood - study: cumulative cost assessment (CCA) of the impacts of EU legislation & policies on the forest-based industries - focused sub-groups of the F-BI Expert Group? - EU Timber Regulation review – NB links with CCA - re-evaluation of wood as a critical (biotic) raw material 2016: - study: good practices in resource & energy efficiencies in the EU F-BI, esp. woodworking and SMEs & micro firms

10 New Expert Group on Forest-based Industries and Sectorally Related Issues - 1:
"F-BI" Expert Group's membership (24 + (max) 28): 4 members: woodworking industries 2 members: furniture industries 4 members: pulp, paper & board manufacturing and converting industries, and printing industries 14 members: other organisations having specific knowledge of, expertise in and responsibilities for sectorally related issues, including at least: forest management; social dialogue; publishing; bio-energy; research & innovation and environmental matters 28 (max.) Member States (one member each)

11 DG GROW’s statistical needs: forest-based sector:
Maintain JFSQ, improving quality and enhance it Develop new product categories, standards and codes, e.g. cross-laminated timber, wood briquettes Establish firm and regular bases for specialist studies e.g. Joint Wood Energy Enquiries Develop innovative studies, e.g.: - cascade use of wood - cumulative cost assesssment for F-BI firms - criticality assessment of biotic RM, e.g. wood - JRC’s over-arching study on biomass, et al.

12 Thank you! Merci! Danke!

13 Forest-based Industries::
Context More information: Forest-based Industries:: New functional mail-box: Web-site: EU “Raw Materials Initiative” web-page: European Innovation Partnership Raw Materials: Horizon 2020: RMI Commission Communication of 4 November 2008 "The raw materials initiative – meeting our critical needs for growth and jobs in Europe" RMI 2011 – Commission Communication of 2 February 2011 "Tackling the challenges in commodity markets and on raw materials" 13

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