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WRITE BITES Early College Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "WRITE BITES Early College Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 WRITE BITES Early College Campus

2 Review: SIMILE: Similes compare one thing directly to another. For example, "My love is like a burning flame” is a simile. You can quickly identify similes when you see the words “like” or “as” used, as in “x is like y.” Similes are different from metaphors – for example, a metaphor would refer to "the burning flame of my love."

3 Click Link

4 Review : TIGER STEPS to Answer Questions
ANSWER the QUESTION! PROVE!! your Answer with a Quote. EXPLAIN AND make meaningful CONNECTIONS to your Answer

5 Read and Write your Response: STUDENTS READ THIS ALONE
You will have 10 minutes to write 3-5 lines and make connections to text. Romeo and Juliet Summary How It All Goes Down Reflect and write about the last scene in Romeo and Juliet. Do you think they were naïve in their decision to continue a forbidden love? Explain. Question: in detail and show evidence.


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