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Miniature Automation Controller Advantages and Key Features

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1 Miniature Automation Controller Advantages and Key Features
Market Need Advantages and Key Features Currently available automation controllers cost thousands of dollars and require modifications The MAC can be fabricated with less than $100 in parts Using the standard GUI, the transmit interval can be set, the device run for extended periods of time, and/or a specific number of transmit attempts can be made Can also be used with MATLAB and LabVIEW VI’s The MAC sample rate is 10ms, but receiver response signals between 50ns and 10ms are captured Automated testing is severely behind the curve within certain disciplines of EW testing Test devices were never intended to be automated The MAC brings automation capabilities to these disciplines Technology Overview Miniature Automation Controller Designed specifically to work with commercial radio frequency devices that are not designed to interface with a computer Provides a bridge to control a device (such as hand held radios, key fobs, etc) that was never intended to be computer controlled User Interface The MAC Next Steps US Patent Application No. 14/484,608 US Patent No. 9,874,858 Issued January 2018 D. Emerson Technology Readiness Level: Prototyped Available for licensing Collaboration and partnership options available with NSWC Crane Jenna Dix ORTA/T2 Manager Annie Bullock T2 Program Support DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for Public Release; Distribution is unlimited.

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