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2016 Traffic Records Forum Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Statistical Analysis and Dashboards to Support DOT Decision Making Ms. Qingxin Fang.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Traffic Records Forum Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Statistical Analysis and Dashboards to Support DOT Decision Making Ms. Qingxin Fang."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Traffic Records Forum Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Statistical Analysis and Dashboards to Support DOT Decision Making Ms. Qingxin Fang O8 August 2016 Copyright, Syneren Technologies Corporation, 2016.

2 Contents Fatal Vehicle Crashes Data Visualization
2016 Traffic Records Forum Fatal Vehicle Crashes Data Visualization Contents The rates of fatal vehicle crashes per licensed driver in the United States The trends of fatal vehicle crashes in the US and DC in the past 25 years The first injury or damage producing event of the crashes in the DC Area The influencing factors of fatal vehicle crashes in the DC Area Copyright, Syneren Technologies Corporation, 2016. 1/9

3 Rates of Fatal Vehicle Crashes per Licensed Driver in 1994 and 2014
2016 Traffic Records Forum Rates of Fatal Vehicle Crashes per Licensed Driver in 1994 and 2014 Year 1994, Fatal Vehicle Crashes/Licensed Drivers Year 2014, Fatal Vehicle Crashes/Licensed Drivers Unit : Cases of fatal vehicle crashes per one hundred thousand licensed drivers Fatal Crashes/Licensed Drivers Highest 5 States, 1994 New Mexico 38 Mississippi 37 Montana 36 South Carolina 35 Alabama 34 Lowest 5 States, 1994 Rhode Island 11 Massachusetts 12 District of Columbia 13 New Jersey 15 Connecticut 16 Highest 5 States, 2014 Wyoming 30 Mississippi 27 Oklahoma 24 New Mexico 23 North Dakota Lowest 5 States, 2014 District of Columbia 5 Massachusetts 6 Rhode Island 7 Vermont 8 Washington 5 - 12 Copyright, Syneren Technologies Corporation, 2016. 2/9

4 Trends of Fatal Vehicle Crashes in the US and DC
2016 Traffic Records Forum Trends of Fatal Vehicle Crashes in the US and DC Number of Fatal Vehicle Crashes in the United States, 1990 – 2014 Year Number in US Number in DC 1990~1994 39836 63 36937 89 34942 67 35780 36254 84 1995~1999 37241 82 37494 58 37324 96 37107 81 37140 60 2000~2004 37526 66 37862 86 38491 73 38477 38444 69 2005~2009 39252 57 38648 49 37435 48 34172 43 30862 37 2010~2014 30296 28 29867 29 31006 21 30203 20 29989 26 1990 2005 2011 Number of Fatal Vehicle Crashes in the District of Columbia, 1990 – 2014 1997 2003 2013 Copyright, Syneren Technologies Corporation, 2016. 3/9

5 2016 Traffic Records Forum The First Injury or Damage Producing Event of the Crashes in the DC Area Curb Curb Copyright, Syneren Technologies Corporation, 2016. 4/9

6 Factors which Increase Fatal Vehicle Crashes in the DC Area
2016 Traffic Records Forum Factors which Increase Fatal Vehicle Crashes in the DC Area Observations: Factor: Driving at night on roads without streetlights Fatal vehicle crash line has a similar trend with the factor line in the past 25 years More factors cause more fatal vehicle crashes This factor increases the probability of fatal vehicle crashes Copyright, Syneren Technologies Corporation, 2016. 5/9

7 Factors which Increase Fatal Vehicle Crashes in the DC Area
2016 Traffic Records Forum Factors which Increase Fatal Vehicle Crashes in the DC Area Observations: Factors: Inexperienced drivers, driving in the rain and driving on the shoulder Fatal vehicle crash line has a similar trend with three factor lines in the past 25 years More factors cause more fatal vehicle crashes These three factors increase the probability of fatal vehicle crashes Copyright, Syneren Technologies Corporation, 2016. 6/9

8 Factors which Decrease Fatal Vehicle Crashes in the DC Area
2016 Traffic Records Forum Factors which Decrease Fatal Vehicle Crashes in the DC Area Observations: Factors: Driving on the roadway, driving at night on roads with streetlights and driving with no occupants Fatal vehicle crash line has an opposite trend with three factor lines in the past 25 years More factors cause less fatal vehicle crashes These three factors decrease the probability of fatal vehicle crashes Copyright, Syneren Technologies Corporation, 2016. 7/9

9 Recommendations Fatal Vehicle Crashes Data Visualization
2016 Traffic Records Forum Fatal Vehicle Crashes Data Visualization Recommendations Provide a well-lit road environment. Consider additional training for inexperienced drivers. Put up warning signs, and reduce the speed limit when wet road conditions exist. Put up additional signs along the traffic way to remind drivers when the roadway is changing. Minimize distracting influences, especially for inexperienced drivers. Increase “right of way” awareness for drivers and pedestrians. Copyright, Syneren Technologies Corporation, 2016. 8/9

10 References Fatal Vehicle Crashes Data Visualization
2016 Traffic Records Forum Fatal Vehicle Crashes Data Visualization References Copyright, Syneren Technologies Corporation, 2016. 9/9

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