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Albers Mentor Program Accounting Mentor Program

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1 Albers Mentor Program Accounting Mentor Program
MSBL Mentor Program Student Orientation Albers School of Business & Economics Fall 2019

2 Purpose To provide a rich and rewarding opportunity to learn from successful Puget Sound executives, top business leaders and seasoned managers Serve as a bridge from education to real world Listening ear, wisdom, source of support in your career journey Albers Mentor Program: 30 years Accounting Mentor Program: 17 years MSBL Mentor Program: 2 years

3 Mentorship Definition
Mentorship is an intentional relationship between a student and someone with more experience or access to skills/resources providing: Encouragement Neutral listening presence Challenge & coaching Wisdom & knowledge Growth Discernment & reflection

4 Objectives Career/ Job Search advice Career transition
Observe job function or industry Networking contacts Insight into company culture Community building Learn how to market yourself professionally Support, validation, growth Wisdom from someone who has “been there”

5 Explanation of Programs
Albers Mentor Program Grad students, UG seniors (any major) Contact: APC Accounting Mentor Program UG Jr & Sr Acct, MPAC, Grad students interested in accounting Contact: Acct. Dept MSBL Mentor Program MSBL Program students Contact: MSBL Dept. **Can only join 1 program**

6 October June Commitment Graduating early?
Must stay with program until June Studying abroad? Talk to APC or Acct dept

7 Commitment MEETING SCHEDULING Meet with mentor group every 4-6 weeks
Meetings are hours SCHEDULING Preference goes to mentor Check online to see mentor’s preference Juggling multiple schedules- FLEXIBILITY is key Sometimes mentors have their assistants help

8 Timeline June: Formal wrap-up, thank mentor, complete survey
December – June: Ongoing meetings November: First meeting Late October: Notification Early October: Mentor Fair

9 Choosing a Mentor Don’t judge a book by its company or industry
Job function Professional History Mentors’ objective/scope Personality connection Advice from students, APC, or Acct Dept. Choosing a Mentor Don’t judge a book by its company or industry

10 Group Dynamics 1-3 students per mentor
Grads w/ Grads; Undergrads w/ Undergrads Meet as a group (ideally) Check with mentor about occasional 1:1 meetings Respect different objectives Be open minded to what you might learn from other students

Elements for Success Success What do you want out of the program? Handbook Initiative Student Profile Year Plan Common meeting time each month Go over some activity ideas from the handbook or structure ideas THIS IS NOT A JOB PLACEMENT ACTIVITY

12 What you get out of this depends on what you put into this
Formula for Success What you get out of this depends on what you put into this Your Effort Your Experience

13 Troubleshooting Reach out for help
Selecting mentor preferences Issues with mentor Issues with group members Challenges with scheduling Lack of communication from mentor or group members Need activity ideas Schedule/Circumstances require you to withdraw **Feeling uncomfortable** Great experiences too! Albers: Pigott 331; ; Acct: Pigott 515; ; MSBL: Pigott 404; ;

14 Mentor Fair Sponsored by:
Reception 6:00pm-6:30pm Brief Welcome 6:30pm-6:45pm Breakout Rooms Mentor List/Room Assignment Sheet 6:45pm-8:00pm Wrap-Up Can turn in Mentor Selection Form if ready 8:00pm-8:30pm

15 Sample Questions for Mentors
Tell me about your company & current position How have you navigated your career? What have you enjoyed most about your career? What has challenged you? What topics do you want to focus on in mentoring students? What is your mentoring style? Why did you choose to join this program? What do you expect from your mentees?

16 Steps to Join the Program
Identify goals/objectives Visit APC, Acct or MSBL website for mentor profiles Turn in Mentor Selection Form (online or paper) BY OCT 14 Receive mentor info by end of October

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