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5 Successful Goal Setting Tips by Warren Buffet Goal setting is the ability to make future plans of what somebody wishes to achieve in life. It is always.

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2 5 Successful Goal Setting Tips by Warren Buffet

3 Goal setting is the ability to make future plans of what somebody wishes to achieve in life. It is always very wise to write down goals on a diary since there's always power in writing.

4 Warren Buffet is a renowned billionaire who has written several books including Lessons for Investors and Managers, he's a great advisor on investing tips, an author, the success guru and he is also listed as top wealthiest people in the eight continents.

5 Some of Warren's quotes that revolves around success and goal setting include: 1.Investing in oneself before anything else One key principle of the most respected billionaire is to make yourself happy by doing what you love the most regardless of peoples' opinions. Whether its a degree you want to attain or learn how to swim or perfect on a talent you have, like let’s say writing, investing in oneself is a way to a successful being everybody should constantly embrace. Accompany yourself with people who love you and learn to deal with your own fears.

6 2. Set aside top 5 most important goals to achieve Another key area of focus on being successful is to write down at least 5 top most things to achieve in a given time then strive extra hard to achieve them within the given time. This builds one to focus and prioritize the stuff he or she values in life. Its also a time managing mechanism in the long run.

7 3. Writing a NOT to- do list Warren's other important life's lesson on being successful is to say no to things that wont add value to your life at the end of the day. He says that it is important to write down 25 to-do list items then narrow them down from the least important agenda to the very most important one in order to save time and also be very successful as opposed to just being only successful as most middle class people in the world.

8 4. Say No Saying no is one big challenge to a lot of people. They don’t like saying no for fear of rejection or being looked down upon. According to Warren, saying no has no harm, in fact when asked the reason why he has maintained consistent amazing growth each year, he replied that he has said no several times in his career. So only take great ideas and ignore the rest that don't benefit you.

9 5. Maximize Focus and maintain your priorities This goes without saying. Get rid of the non- essentials in order to make your life simple and easier by making good habits more instant. Then channel your area of focus on the main goal set in that period of time. Again never deviate from your main plan in life.


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