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FOREWORD “Collaboration is not about glueing together existing egos but about the ideas that never existed until after everyone entered the room.” Collaboration is at the heart of the Network’s remit to share learning, knowledge and experience. It is about a joined up approach to find new ways of improving the health and wellbeing of the public by preventing costly duplication of effort, by speaking with greater alignment and by acting collectively to identify and address the overarching issues that are too big for any single organisation to take on in isolation. Underpinning our objectives are three values: engaging, investigating, connecting. These values describe the way we work together. In addition, our business strategy will progress the work done to date. Engaging will generate system-wide conversations that 1)act as a catalyst for developing individual pieces of work 2)address deeply divisive issues such as public-private partnerships. Investigating will map the landscape on work to be done, the emerging issues and who is responding. Connecting will build on the ability to create alignment with the public health system and across the four nations. Our business strategy will help deliver our objectives by securing diverse and sustainable funding and improving capacity to continue with previously started conversations. Our strategic plan for is not extra work. It is our work, our vision and our response to current challenges. We hope you will continue to work with us through the UK Public Health Network to take on these challenges. CEOs Group
Generating strategic discussions across the system Collaboration and learning across four nations Catalyst for Network member/observer actions
Promote a common and collective agenda to tackle the overarching system issues in improving public health and wellbeing in the UK by i) mapping the landscape of current and emerging public health issues ii) reducing duplication where possible through increased alignment on policy issues. Become a thought-leader for best national practice in addressing health and wellbeing across the UK by i) being a catalyst to start UK-wide conversations on strategic issues ii) exploring and sharing learning and experience from the four nations. Promote the value of health and wellbeing as a key asset for the UK economy by i) promoting health as the first wealth ii) encouraging health in all policies. Change the narrative around the public’s health from a focus on the impact of behaviours to the determinants of health by i) developing consistency in the use of language within and between organisations as well as across the four nations of the UK ii) exploring a new framework for the determinants of health.
CEOs contribution in kind: £ (est £12k per CEO pa) Health Foundation awards: £151408 Grants to support conferences: £7500 6 high-level UK summits, engaging with senior leaders Do-once-and-share (consultation scan, Brexit reading list) 8 briefing / discussion papers UK PRP proposal for a trade and health network. Growing conversations on a human rights approach to public health. Department of Health & Social Care working on guidance to DsPH in England on legislation. Shift away from use of the term “lifestyle.” Increasing collaboration between organisations to reduce surprise and improve capacity. Paper in press on attributes of good governance in a public health system. Social determinants of health project awards exclusive to the Network. Ministerial interest in the idea of an Office of Budget Responsibility for Population Health.
WHERE ARE WE GOING? 2019 - 2022 Engaging Investigating Connecting
2 safe space workshops pa on challenging issues Summit: sustainable development Summit: addressing social determinants Summit: framing public health Summit: workforce portability Investigating Horizon scanning on emerging issues Explore greater collaboration / do-once-&-share Map landscape of work, identifying what needs to be done and who is working on it. Connecting Develop consultation response capacity & alignment Deliver peer assist social determinants workshop Retain and build further engagement with members and share feedback Recruit Administrator Continue to progress: Trade / OBR / Legislation / Right to health work Improve internal & external comms Secure sustainable and diverse funding Business
HOW WILL WE GET THERE? 2019-20 action plan
Engaging Investigating Connecting Business operations Hold first safe space workshop by April on private- public partnerships. Deliver summit in Wales in Spring on sustainable development. Deliver summit in Autumn 2019 on framing public health. Hold second safe space workshop by December 2019 on harm reduction vs minimisation. Publish discussion papers to accompany safe space workshops by April and December 2019. Update and publish paper on an OBR for population health by Spring 2019. Set up process to capture emerging issues for public health community by March 2020. Hold peer assist workshop for SDH award-holders in Autumn 2019. Hold quarterly teleconferences with policy group through Explore potential for further do-once-and- share (eg parliamentary comms diary) by end of 2019. Deliver weekly consultation scan. Exploit Network’s new website. Establish UKPRP trade & health network with Chester University by June Secure 3 year funding for Secure funding for first two safe space workshops by March Recruit administrative help by trainee placement and / or with additional funding by Summer Monitor opportunities to progress right to health and legislation work through 2019.
HOW WILL WE GET THERE? Action plan 2020-21
Engaging Investigating Connecting Business operations Hold third safe space workshop by April 2020 on public health system organisations. Deliver summit in Spring 2020: Brexit one year on. Deliver summit in Autumn 2020 on social determinants of health Hold fourth safe space workshop by December 2020 on big data. Map landscape of current public health issues and who is working on what by Spring 2020. Publish discussion papers to accompany safe space workshops by April and December 2020. Produce first report on emerging public health issues by summer 2020. Proposal by summer for developing further policy alignment to build capacity for consultation responses. Hold quarterly teleconferences with policy group through Deliver weekly consultation scan. Deliver parliamentary diary. Secure funding for two workshops by March 2020. Secure funding for two summits by May Engage with UK PRP trade and health network. Engage with UK PRP consortia. Progress Network activity on right to health, legislation, OBR through conference workshops etc
HOW WILL WE GET THERE? Action plan 2021-22
Engaging Investigating Connecting Business operations Hold fifth safe space workshop by April on fake news. Delivery summit in Spring 2021. Deliver summit in Autumn 2021 on emerging issues in public health. Hold sixth safe space workshop by December 2021 on behaviour change. Publish discussion papers to accompany safe space workshops by April and December 2021. Produce second report on emerging public health issues by Autumn 2021. Hold quarterly teleconferences with policy group through Deliver weekly consultation scan. Deliver parliamentary diary. Secure funding for two workshops by March 2021. Secure funding for two summits by May Engage with UK PRP trade and health network. Engage with UK PRP consortia. Progress Network activity on right to health, legislation, OBR through conference workshops etc.
Engaging Investigating Connecting Business operations Resolving tensions within the public health system away from the public eye. Operating our policy of “no surprises” with minimal exceptions. Responding collectively to new/changing evidence with increasing ability. Generating wider interest in the Network’s briefing papers by publishing articles in the professional press. Increasing work across organisational boundaries. Increasing followers by at least 50% by 2022. Increasing the quantity and quality of parliamentary interactions by participating in more inquiries and responding to consultations affecting the wider determinants of health. Increasing alignment between organisations by joint publications and joint conferences. Securing additional and diverse sources of funding for the Network and its activities. Recruiting additional staffing for the Network. Encompassing key players working on the social determinants of health within the Network membership Evaluating Network members’ engagement and feedback on the continuing value of the Network.
AND BEYOND 2022? Speak collectively with greater consistency on the factors that will improve public health and wellbeing. Engage more widely with policy and decision makers across the wider determinants of health Learn from good practice where international action and progress is made on addressing non-communicable diseases. Create further capacity within the UK public health system to respond to more consultations and parliamentary inquiries. Build further partnerships across the four nations to address common issues. Nurture the Network as a mechanism that identifies issues on the horizon that could affect public health and wellbeing. Foster continuing and deeper cooperation and trust among Network members and observers to work in alignment with each other.
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