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The Scientific Revolution

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1 The Scientific Revolution
6.1 The Scientific Revolution

2 Foundations of Modern Science
In Middle Ages: Earth was immovable center of universe Planets revolved around Earth – geocentric theory Foundations: Aristotle, Ptolemy, Bible

3 Scientific Revolution
Scientific Revolution = new way of thinking about the world – challenged hundreds of years of thinking Roots in Renaissance ideas/actions Exploration opens European eyes Advancements in navigation/technology Questioning of acceptable thought (Luther) Printing press spreads ideas

4 Copernicus Geocentric theory makes sense, but does not explain movements of planets, sun, moon Copernicus expands on ancient Greek idea the sun = center of universe Decides planets revolve around sun = heliocentric theory

5 Copernicus Heliocentric theory not published until final year of his life – why? Theory would challenge Church Scientists & mathematicians continue to explore Copernicus’ work Kepler discovered planets move elliptically, not in circles – proves Copernicus’ theory

6 Galileo Galilei Galileo uses telescope & shatters common accepted theory Jupiter has 4 moons Sun spots Moon not smooth Church threatened by findings Church suggests Galileo not defend Copernicus – ignores suggestion In 1633, under threat of torture signs confession In 1992, Church acknowledges Galileo was correct

7 Other Scientists and Discoveries
Francis Bacon writes people should not accept ancient ideas – conduct experiments to prove things – called empiricism (experimental method) Rene Descartes relies on math and logic Only thing he knows for certain = he exists “I think, therefore I am.”

8 Other Scientists and Discoveries
Newton explains gravity Advances in technology: Microscope Barometer Thermometer Autopsies discover humans different from animals Vaccination for small pox Connection between volume, temperature, & pressure

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