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exquisite 1 (adj.) extraordinarily fine or beautiful; intense

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1 exquisite 1 (adj.) extraordinarily fine or beautiful; intense
Her singing was truly exquisite.

2 (adj.) false She had on a faux mink coat.
2 (adj.) false She had on a faux mink coat.

3 fickle 3 (adj.) shifting in character; inconstant
He blames poor sales on fickle customers.

4 flaunt 4 (v) To show off; to display ostentatiously
The fiance will flaunt her engagement ring for everyone to see.

5 frugal 5 (adj) thrifty; economical
Shopping at the thrift store was frugal way to save money.

6 (v) To mix up or confuse; scramble
6 garble (v) To mix up or confuse; scramble The candidate complained that his views had been deliberately garbled by his opponent.

7 (n) kind, type The genre of our novel is historical fiction.
7 genre (n) kind, type The genre of our novel is historical fiction.

8 grandiose 8 (adj) on a magnificent or exaggerated scale
He had a huge grandiose idea of building an entire city out of glass.

9 grimace 9 (v) To make an ugly, disapproving facial expression
The patient made a painful grimace as the doctor examined his wound.

10 haughty 10 (adj) disdainfully proud
He walked in a haughty manner after he bought the Mercedes.

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