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English 10 - 1/17/12 Would you give up television for five years if it would feed 1000 starving children? What do you say to a hitchhiker with one leg?

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Presentation on theme: "English 10 - 1/17/12 Would you give up television for five years if it would feed 1000 starving children? What do you say to a hitchhiker with one leg?"— Presentation transcript:

1 English /17/12 Would you give up television for five years if it would feed 1000 starving children? What do you say to a hitchhiker with one leg? Punk stuff – something useless or contemptable. Goals - Complete analysis paragraphs. Get all your paragraphs word processed Homework – Make sure you have a document that includes all of your paragraphs through the analysis paragraph. I will be checking in class tomorrow. Hop in.

2 English /18/12 Take some time to write about some possible solutions that could be included in the conclusion of your paper. How do you get down from an elephant? Punk ride – a little kiddie ride at the carnival. Goals - Work on final paragraph and transitions. Homework – Complete a typed first draft of your essay. I will check tomorrow. You don’t, you get it from a goose.

3 English 10 - 1/19/12 Write on a subject of your choice.
Did you hear about the giant that threw up? Punk and plaster – Hobo for bread and butter. Goals - Work on Works Cited Page. Homework – Make sure that you will complete your revisions by tomorrow at the end of the day. It’s all over town.

4 English /20/12 You notice a self destructive behavior pattern in a friend who is clearly unaware of it. Would you point it out? What did the number 0 say to the number 8? Pica – a craving for unnatural food; dust or paint chips for example. Goals - Complete revisions for CBA. Turn in by the end of the day. Homework – None! Nice belt.

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