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Number the Stars Ch. 13-17.

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1 Number the Stars Ch

2 Brusque Abrupt and curt in manner or speech.
Ex: He left the store in anger as the salesgirl was extremely brusque with him

3 Hastily Done or made too quickly to be accurate or wise.
Although the teacher gave us thirty minutes to complete the test, I hastily answered the questions.

4 Execute To put to death, especially by carrying out a lawful sentence.
Ex: During the Holocaust, many Jews were executed because of their beliefs.

5 Smuggle To import or export secretly and illegally.
Ex: Many people have gone to jail for smuggling drugs.

6 Insolently Boldly disrespectful in speech; in an insulting manner.
The girl was acting insolently when she refused to heed her mother's many warnings about not cleaning up her room.

7 Warily Cautiously; watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger. The sailor warily watched the sky as he prepared to go on a voyage.

8 Deprivation The absence, loss, or withholding of something needed.
Ex: The drought caused deprivation of clean water and food in the town.

9 Ideal An honorable or worthy principal or aim.
Ex: My ideal report card would be all A’s.

10 Strident Loud, harsh, grating or shrill.
Ex: Annemarie was frightened by the strident commands coming form the soldiers.

11 Concealed Keep from sight; hidden
Ex: The girl concealed her identity by wearing a red wig.

12 Integrity The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Ex: When Martin Luther King stood up for what was right, he showed great integrity.

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