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Arts and Accessibility

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Presentation on theme: "Arts and Accessibility"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arts and Accessibility
LCAA Protection and Advocacy April 25, 2019

2 Agenda Protection and Advocacy information
Laws regarding persons with disabilities Physical Accessibility Program Accessibility Service Animals

3 P&A’s Charge To provide legally-based advocacy for persons with disabilities Seven federal grants PADD - PATBI PAIMI - PABSS PAIR - PAVA PAAT

4 Kentucky P&A Independent State Agency 18 Staff
7 attorneys 6 advocates 4 support staff Executive Director 2 Teams—Adult and Children & Youth

5 What Kentucky P&A Does Information and Referral
Individual Case Representation Training Systemic Advocacy Legislative and Regulatory Activities

6 Laws that Affect Disability
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 Amendments Act of 2008 Kentucky Civil Rights Act

7 Section 504 Prohibits discrimination on basis of disability by any entity receiving federal funds Includes many museums, theater programs, colleges & universities, and state and local programs

8 ADA AA Prohibits discrimination on basis of disability in:
Employment (Title I) State & Local Government (Title II) Public Accommodations (Title III) Enacted in 1990 Title IV—Telecommunications for Deaf/HOH Generally, no exclusion, segregation or unequal treatment Public accommodations: restaurants, zoos, daycare, recreation facilities, stores, hotels Includes Physical access Reasonable modifications to policies, practices, procedures Effective communication

9 Kentucky Civil Rights Act
Mirrors the definition of disability in Section 504 and the ADA Applies to places of public accommodation

10 Title III Public Accommodation
Businesses usually open to the public 12 categories, including: motion picture house, theater, concert hall, stadium or other place of exhibition, or entertainment Auditorium, convention center, lecture hall, or other place of public gathering Museum, library, gallery, or other place of public display or collection

11 Section 504/ADA Elements Person has a disability
Person is “otherwise qualified” Because of the disability, the person is being excluded from a program denied benefit of a program discriminated against

12 Definition of Disability
Physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities Record of having a disability Is regarded as having a disability

13 Major Life Activities lifting caring for one’s self bending
speaking breathing learning reading concentrating thinking communicating interacting with others working caring for one’s self performing manual tasks seeing hearing eating sleeping walking standing sitting reaching

14 Otherwise Qualified Capable of meeting the essential eligibility requirements for the program/activity with or without reasonable accommodations

15 Discrimination Exclusion Architectural or communication barriers
Exclusionary qualification standards or criteria

16 Physical Accessibility
2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design Effective March 15, 2012 Previously, 1991 Standards Safe harbor

17 Architectural Barriers Physical Accessibility
Parking Entrances/exits Accessible routes Signs Bathrooms Drinking fountains Public phones Assembly Areas

18 Barrier Removal Must be readily achievable—easily accomplishable and able to be carried out without much difficulty or expense Look at structure and resources

19 Reasonable accommodations
Accommodation must be individualized The individual needs of the persons with a disability should be met to the same extent as the needs of persons without disabilities Service animals in stores/restaurants Drivers’ license as ID Flicker rate on strobe light fire alarms

20 Common Accommodations
Deaf and Hard of Hearing(HOH) Assistive listening devices American Sign Language Captioning/CART (Computer Assisted Real-time Translation) Blind Braille and Large Print Programs Audio Description

21 Defenses Fundamental alteration Undue burden
Direct threat to health or safety of others

22 Service Animals Any dog individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability Tasks performed must be directly related to the individual’s disability Excludes the tasks of provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort or companionship

23 Service Animals Allowable questions:
Is this a service animal? What tasks does the dog perform? Must have vaccinations/immunizations Must be kept under control and physical needs met Cannot be charged ticket price/pay fare

24 Remedies Internal Grievance Complaint to Federal Funding Agency
OCR complaint—Section 504 DOJ complaint—ADA Federal Court actions

25 Kentucky Protection and Advocacy
(800) (502)

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