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Vietnam: Moving Toward Conflict

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1 Vietnam: Moving Toward Conflict

2 Presentations, Step 1 You will be making a PowerPoint presentation on the origins of the Vietnam War First, read “Moving Toward Conflict” on pages and take notes on anything that you think should appear in your PowerPoint Here are some key terms/ideas that should appear in your PowerPoint French Indochina War Vietcong Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh Trail Vietminh Kennedy’s stance on Vietnam Domino Theory LBJ’s stance on Vietnam Geneva Accords Tonkin Gulf Resolution Ngo Dinh Diem Operation Rolling Thunder

3 Presentations, Step 2 You will be making a PowerPoint presentation on the origins of the Vietnam War Now, make your PowerPoint It will need a title slide Make your own title It will need 4-6 note slides Divide and name these however you see fit You may include images if you wish Warning: images of the Vietnam war can be EXTREMELY graphic

4 Presentatons, Step 3 Submit your presentations online for credit
Go to Login Click on “My Classes” at the top Click on “S2 Honors American History” Click on “Assess” Click on “Presentations (2/18)” Click on “Add Submission” Click on “Choose File” Find your file Put the period number and your last names in the “Submission Title” box Example: Period 2, Chandler Click on “Add File”

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