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Nucleus of Study and Development at Technology of Application About us

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1 Research Group NEDTA
Nucleus of Study and Development at Technology of Application About us The Nucleus of Studies and Development on Technology of Application - NEDTA - of Crop Protection Products is the realization of a collective desire from the participants in the phytosanitary and domisanitary treatment research area, more specifically on application technology of the Department of Crop Protection at UNESP, Campus Jaboticabal – SP. The focus of NEDTA is the correct placing of crop protection products on the envisaged targets, when and if necessary and through necessary manner, in economically way and with minimal risk of impacts on human health and to the environment. Therefore we perform works mainly in research and development, but also corresponding to the partnerships with diverse visitors from research institutes, other universities, secondary schools and further private companies. We also organizes and carries out works of agricultural and university extension, through courses, lectures, field days and improvement and guidance visits, at various levels of the productive and educational sector of society. Since the beginning, NEDTA shows its purpose and intends to be an element of contribution for sustainable development of Brazilian society, primarily directed to the controversial and lacking in studies phytosanitary treatment branch. Actions RESEARCH ANALYSIS Several papers of NEDTA’s researchers has been published in international Journals. Among them: The lab NEDTA has several equipments that allow to perform from the simplest to more complex analysis related to phyto and domisanitary treatment areas as droplet size, surface tension, viscosity, spray deposit and run off, and other. Note: Illustrative pictures. EVENTS COURSES, SPEECHES AND TRAINING NEDTA believes that the exchange of information between researchers, students, companies and farmers can help Brazilian agriculture overcome the challenges. What are you waiting for to improve your knowledge in the crop protection area? NEDTA OUTDOOR TRIPS AND VISITS Also we have carried out field classes in places linked to phyto and domisanitary treatment, as a part of the initiatives to introduce students in the world of crop protection. Every year the research group of NEDTA realizes trips and visits to places or companies linked to agribusiness. It’s always been fun! SAN JOSÉ COSTA RICA Sugar cane area Region of Pradópolis - SP Inspection Agricultural Area Port of Santos - SP Experiment on citrus crop Borborema - SP CURITIBA-PR POMPÉIA-SP PARTNERSHIPS Contact us NEDTA believes that companies and universities should work together. Find below some of partnerships: For those interested to learn, participate or discussing technology of application issues and cooperate with the knowledge growth of this area of study, we kindly are with our doors opened. Sincerely, Prof Dr. Marcelo da Costa Ferreira – Coordinator of NEDTA Dept. Crop Protection – UNESP Campus Jaboticabal, SP Brazil Fone: 55 (16) Herbicat Jacto K.O. Malvern PulsFog FMC Bayer Wageningen University Odebrecht Agroindustrial Florida University Basf SGS - Gravena Others Realization:

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