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f- meson production in pN collisions close to threshold

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1 f- meson production in pN collisions close to threshold
Yoshikazu Maeda On behalf of the ANKE collaboration Research Center Jülich, Germany and Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka Univ. ppgppf PRL96,242301(2006) pngdf To be published in PRL nucl-ex/

2 Physics case OZI rule Rf/w= sf / sw = tan2 Dq = 4.2×10-3
J.Ellis et al Phys. Let. B353(1995) pp annihilation at LEAR Rf/w ≈ 100×ROZI gSpin triplet dominance C.Amster, Rev.Mod.Phys.70(1998) A.I. Titov et al Phys. Rev. C59(1999)999

3 f/w-meson production in NN collisions
New data pngdf g Isospin-spin singlet state of Rf/w                         Production mechanisms. pp collision at =83 MeV   Rf/w≈7×ROZI (DISTO,TOF) Higher partial wave! F. Balesta et al., Phys. Rev. C63(2001) S.Abd El-Samad et al.,Phys Lett. B522,(2001)16

4 COSY-ANKE COSY beam COoler SYnchrotron
ppgppf 2.83 GeV (76 MeV), Feb02 2.70 GeV (35 MeV), Apr02 2.65 GeV,(19 MeV), Jan04 pngdf 2.65 GeV, Feb04 COSY beam Apparatus for Studies of Nucleon and Kaon Ejectiles S. Barsov et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A462(2001)364 COoler SYnchrotron proton,deuteron unpolarized, polarized beam P = GeV/c

5 Particle identification
TOF Missing mass   ppgpK+K- p   pdgdK+K- p

6 Missing mass distribution
pp gpK+K- X pd gdK+K- X

7 Invariant mass distribution for ppgppf

8 Invariant mass distribution for pngdf
Spectator model e (pn) = S1/2[df] – mf - md

9 Total cross section for f-meson production in pN collisions

10 Differential distribution
ppgppf pngdf

11 f/w-cross section ratio
Better data for pngdw! WASA at COSY ppgppf F. Balestra et al., Phys. Rev. C63(2001) Rs(pn) ~ Rt(pp) ppgppw F.Hibou et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 83,(1999)492 S.Abd El-Samad et al.,Phys Lett. B522,(2001)16 pngdf S. Barsov et al., Eur. Phys. J. A21, 521 (2004)

12 Summary f – meson production in pp channel at 19, 35 and 76 MeV.
3P1g1S0 s R(pp) = 8 ROZI First data of s(pngdf) at e = 0 – 80 MeV. s (pn)/s(pp) f meson p-wave Rs(pn) ~ Rt(pp)

13 Luminosity +-5% Target density measurement by frequency shift of COSY
pd scattering (elastic+inelastic) Glauber model calculation by Yuri N. Uzikov d Systematical uncertainty 15% +-5%

14 meson production r(ppz)j r(dz) ? Since Vector meson?
PS meson r(ppm) << r(dm)

15 v meson production in pN collisions close to threshold

16 2.65 GeV FSI(pp), W(vtK+K-)= a cos2qk + b sin2qk
Phase space distribution for non-resonant K+K- production 2.65 GeV

17 a cos2qk + b sin2qk





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