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What types of rules and procedures do you think we should have in our classroom? Why do you feel these are important?

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Presentation on theme: "What types of rules and procedures do you think we should have in our classroom? Why do you feel these are important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What types of rules and procedures do you think we should have in our classroom? Why do you feel these are important?

2 Rules and Procedures Social Sciences Room M8

3 Hallways Students should always walk in the hallways at school.
Fire drills Lunch Dismissal Library, computer lab, assemblies

4 Coming into the room Wait for me to be at the door before entering
I say “Good Morning/Afternoon” and look everyone in the eyes when they come in- say it back! It’s the polite thing to do. Take your seat and follow directions on warm up/bell work- bell=starts

5 Coming into the room Backpacks go on the floor out of the way. If you have a second bag/ sport bag, it needs to go in the front corner of the room. All Musical instruments same place. Jackets go on the back of your chair or under the desk- not in your lap! Walk to the desk and sit correctly.

6 Announcements You will not talk during the announcements, if your working you may continue working while listening. If we are in middle of something you will stop so all can hear the announcement.

7 Student Station Tissue, Hand Sanitizer, Lotion
Markers, Pencils, Crayons Staplers, Hole punch, Scissors Pencil Sharpener, Pens, Glue Rulers, book marks, paper towels White out- at my desk If you think there is something that should be added, let me know!

8 Library Books You WILL have a library book here everyday!
If you finish your book you need to get one on your own time. “I finished it”, “I don’t have one”, “I was absent” are not excuses.

9 Hall Passes Ask when you come into the room if you need to use the restroom, you will go after you finish your bell work. Should not be every day No passes during notes, tests/quizzes, videos, or presentations Sign out by the door with first and last names, date, designation, and time

10 Fire Drills We all go to the area by the football field and line up quietly. Leave all of your things in the classroom. No talking or running around Listen to directions

11 Lockdowns We sit on the floor in the front of the room
Bring a book to read NO cell phones Be quiet and follow directions!

12 Homework and Papers Pass any papers that are being turned in to one person in your row One person then turns in the papers Should be completed in less than 20 seconds! Inside voices/appropriate language should always be used during class. Walk from the front of the room to the side and then to the back of the room- giant circle

13 Homework/Assignments
All assignments are expected to be turned in on their due dates- at the beginning of class Late work will be accepted for 1 day but will receive a 20% deduction. (Plus any normal deductions that is work based) Repeated late work will result in a phone call/ home.

14 Late Work Assignments are deducted points. assignments are counted as daily, including weekends, since student’s have access to website. Late work should not be turned in often. It is marked in grade book.

15 Absent Work When you are absent there are many options to finding what you missed. 1- Online weekly schedule 2- Calendar on the wall 3- Ask a partner to see their agenda 4- Mrs. Ericson- after other options

16 Questions During Class
Question board in the back of the room Write your question out and it will be answered on Friday Not for questions with directions Post it notes are provided or use your own

17 Binder 4 sections within the Social Studies section Bell Work Maps
Assignments Notes

18 Exiting the Room Responses, summaries, quick writes will be completed at the end of the period Bell does not dismiss you, I do! Clean the room before we leave Everything needs to be taken with you. If you forget something I will not deliver it but it will stay here until you retrieve it.

19 Questions?

20 Quiz We will review rules and procedures this week and there will be a quiz on Tuesday.

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