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Managing the Alliance NSC-68 Korea Germany The Death of Stalin

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Presentation on theme: "Managing the Alliance NSC-68 Korea Germany The Death of Stalin"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing the Alliance NSC-68 Korea Germany The Death of Stalin
East Germany European Defense The “New Look”

2 I. NSC-68

3 II. The Korean War


5 Kim Il-sung Stalin


7 President Harry S. Truman
Gen. Douglas MacArthur


9 III. West Germany


11 Rene Pleven

12 Stalin

13 Dean Acheson

14 Konrad Adenauer

15 Walter Ulbricht

16 IV. Death of Stalin


18 Beria Khrushchev Malenkov

19 John Foster Dulles & Dwight D. Eisenhower

20 “Operation Solarium”

21 V. East Germany

22 Beria Khrushchev Malenkov


24 VI. European Defense

25 John Foster Dulles & Dwight D. Eisenhower

26 VII. The “New Look”

27 John Foster Dulles & Dwight D. Eisenhower

28 Sputnik

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